View Full Version : Citalopram, cold turkey - Help!

09-01-09, 17:22
Hey Everyone,
Im new here so Hi to you all.

I have suffered from anxiety,dpression and panic attacks for 5 years now. I have been taking Citalopram for 2 years (20mg). I ran out on Tues, My friend gave me one of her 10mg on weds and I have had nothing since then.
I feel so so awful.
I cant concentrate on anything, I went to chemists twice and forgot my purse, then the second time I couldnt get parked and I got so annoyed as my little ones were screaming at me... I just started crying and came home.
I have been lying on the sofa all day feeling like I have the flu but also so so depressed and tearful - not sure what to do?
I know I should come off gradually but I have been trying for a while and its not working... Has anybody ever just come straight off them and is this ok for me to do.

I dont know how long I can cope with feeling like this and I need to now how long it will last??

Its my birthday next week and I really dont want to see or talk to anyone so not looking forward to it.

I hate this, I just want to be young and happy and free!!


09-01-09, 17:30
yOou musnt come off cold turkey you prob feel so bad as u are having withdrawals - u need to do it so slowly - every other day for week or 2 then every 3 rd day etc the slower the better

09-01-09, 17:31
Hi Emma

Sorry to hear you arent feeling well. When I came off them I went from 30mg to 20mg for 1 month and back down to 10mg for a month and then nothing. I got no withdrawal symptoms at all. You are only 2 days into cold turkey and you have a choice. You can either 1. Go back to your doctor and get a prescription for 10mg and take them for a month or 2. This would get your body used to a lower amount of the med and then you could just stop taking it like I did. Or 2. Go cold turkey and just stay the way you are. From what I have read about citalopram the cold turkey effects may last up to 2 weeks. However I would not personally recommend cold turkey as it is a bit harsh to yourself to do this. Its your choice but if I were you I would get a prescription for 10mg to taper down the safe way and enjoy your birthday next week.x

09-01-09, 17:36
Hi Emma and welcome.

Having been on this med for a good few years i would never recommend just stopping taking them like you have hun:ohmy: . When weaning off them you should do it gradually reducing 20mg,10mg 5mg over a matter of months! If i was you i would give your GP surgery a call and tell them your sittuation they may let you call up for a prescription. Get back on them and try and wean off slowly. I have tried to come off them in the past quickly but all the horrid anxiety symptoms return.
Good luck

13-01-09, 09:03
Tapering off is fine /-but on medical advice I had to stop taking tranquillisers 11 years ago and stopped tdking seroxat this Xmas. From 40 mg to 0!?! You are going through withdrawl.you have come through this so far so I think your options are
1 get more meds and do it slowly
2 ride the storm.you have to be strong though!?!?!
Withdrawal was living hell for me especially after a few days. It gets better after fortnight.
look after yourself:flowers:

28-01-09, 14:12
seek medical advice s safer