View Full Version : Heart Rate Question.....Please Help!!!!

10-01-09, 00:29
Is it normal for a person to have a heart rate of 120-130 when doing things such as house work (vacuuming, cleaning up after the kids, changing linens, cleaning bathrooms, even showering). It's not like my heart pounds or feels abnormal (other than palpitations which I have had checked out and are harmless to me). As a matter of fact, I don't even notice it unless I compulsively check my pulse. When I sit down to relax, my heart rate returns to normal within a couple of minutes, but I was just wondering if having a heart rate that high during mild to moderate activity is normal?? I am a rather anxious person as well. :winks:

10-01-09, 01:14
I think it's perfectly normal, especially in light of the fact that is slows down when you rest. Once you become aware, anxiety kicks in, and that will cause your heart rate to increase to. Sounds like what you are having is harmless, but always check with your doctor when in doubt.

10-01-09, 02:17
Thank you for your reply. I've been checked out by my doctor, a cardiologist and I've been to the ER. They all say that my heart is fine. I'm just wondering if it's normal for your heart rate to be that high when you're going about your daily activites. I usually rush through everything because I have 2 small children at my heels constantly. So my level of movement is rather fast. I just don't know how your heart rate is supposed to fluctuate throughout the day....any help would be appreciated!

annie pannie
11-01-09, 22:47
Hi I think your heart rate sounds quite normal but I know what you mean - mine seems to beat at about 120 when I am doing housework - I think it's the stress associated with the activity rather than the activity - you are rushing around trying to get things done with two children - its a different activity than say going for a quick walk which, without the stress (unless you are like me and get stressed going for walks lol) wouldnt feel as bad. I think anyone with children is going to feel more pushed to run round and get things done and the stress of that will put your rate up- you need to be kind to yourself but its hard to do that when you are anxious and looking after other people. Take care best wishes Annie x x