View Full Version : new symptoms?

10-01-09, 09:21
Hi everyone,

Just new to this site, it's good to know there are people in the same place as me, well it's not good but nice to know you are not alone. I've suffered from panic attacks and anxiety since i was a teenager, i'm now 28 and still suffering! I have suddenly developed spotty skin! I dont go a week without a spot. I never had acne when i was young, I dont get it, I also get light headed alot, even when i'm just sitting! I get alot of heartburn these, I never even had that through my pregancies. I get tightness of the chest to which freaks me out, i think i'm dying! it's horrible. Some says are worse than others but these symptoms are new to me, does anyone else get this? oh 1 more thing i get tingly and numbness in my hands and arms, thats a new one to me.
:huh: xxx

10-01-09, 10:05
Thanks for replying. I'm just scared to go to the doctor plus i dont think he would be understanding. I've had blood tests and 2 ecgs last year and they came back fine apart from my iron levels being low. I still worry though and feel embarrased to tell enyone how I feel. Thank you x

10-01-09, 22:28
I've had all of those symptoms - and have spent many a day in casualty getting them checked out. Tightness in the chest is a classic sign of anxiety, as is heartburn/indigestion and so is tingling of the hands and arms. If you look at the symptoms section on the left it will show you a lot of things - some of which you may be or may have experienced.

Please try not to worry too much and go to your GP - that is what they are there for - maybe it would help if you explained that you suffer from panic attacks etc. If he / she isn't understanding then ask to see someone else.

I really feel for you - we all go through it and I know how scary it is. But they are all classic symptoms of anxiety...