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10-01-09, 17:00

I have been taking 30 mg of citralopam since wednesday, I was on 20 mg before that. I have been kind of off since I started the 30 mg, like really drowsy, yawning a lot and all that fun stuff. This morning I woke up and felt sick to my stomach, had a headache and my heart was beating faster than normal, I also think I might be running a mild fever and have the hot and cold sweats... Are these some side effects of the increase of my dosage or should I be freaking out about this and going to see the doctor?:shrug:

11-01-09, 23:17
Hey, i had similar side effects when i first started on citalopram, and that was a 20mg dose. Im not sure if its the same when u up your dose, so maybe go and see your GP just to check it out. Im sure theyre the same though, so you shouldnt worry xx

13-01-09, 21:13
Yes..each time I upped my dose I had nausea and general sickness. It wears off though.