View Full Version : Help...Ectopics

10-01-09, 17:21
Hi I have had ectopics for about 16 years now and have dealt with them as best as I can. I have had them checked by my GP and they are "normal" Just before christmas they have been more regular (from about 4/5 approx a week to about 5/6 approx nearly every day. They are no different to how they have always been, just more regular. Im also at the lovely age 48:) where my periods have become a little erratic. I feel great and am fit and well I think:D Anyway should I PANIC? (Too late already am) Has anyone else had a similar thing? I could really do with some reassurrance
Many thanks Matti

10-01-09, 18:18
You are in that "wonderful" time in your life, aren't you?? lol

Hormone changes, even if you are in perimenopause, can cause an increase in your ectopics. I'm only 30 years old, but I experience hormonal surges every month at "that time" of the month.

Since you've been checked out by your gp, I would chalk it up to hormones! :hugs:

11-01-09, 16:43
Many thanks for your reply :D I guess it could be and I definatly think I have made them worse by worrying. So today I have gone out and bought the Claire Weeks book that I have heard so much about to see if that can help :D
Thanks again Take care Matti x

11-01-09, 16:48
NI Nellie Me again I have just read some of your threads and I to have a doc anxiety, just the mear thought of going I will talk myself out of it so I totally understand how you feel:bighug1:We just gotta keep hangin on in there
Matti xx

11-01-09, 19:56
Hi Matti - I don't wish to detract from your concern, but did you know that loads of people get hundreds of PVC's every day? It's true, so I hope that makes you feel better!

11-01-09, 22:43
Isn't that so strange?? I worry about something being wrong with me, yet I am too terrified to go to the doc!! I'm OK with my OB/GYN doc (I think that's because I trust him so much - he delivered my 2 beautiful little girls!!), but my GP makes me panic terribly!! I need to figure out how to get that under controls - doctors are supposed to keep you healthy, right? I just love HA....lol!

12-01-09, 18:37
Thanks skippy
Yes it does make me feel a little better. Today has been so much better
Matti x

12-01-09, 18:41
Hi Nellie....How strange we can be as people lol
My GP is fab, very understanding etc. I think my fear is being told that there is actually something wrong!
Take care and if you want to mail me anytime please feel free to do so
:D Matti x