View Full Version : Hei

10-01-09, 19:45
Hi there!

I'm Budgie (aka Gemma), I'm 25 and live in the UK. I just started a job in the civil service recently: I'm employed, I'm earning money, my supervisor says I'm doing really well.... so... why am I feeling like this? :doh::shrug:

I'm pretty shy, and often get tongue tied (even when I'm typing) so excuse me and my rambling! I've not felt so good for quite a while now. I guess I've always been a nervous person, but as I've got older its got worse. Lately I've been finding life quite hard to cope with, and have felt depressed as well as anxious. I've had difficult times with my emotions in the past, but somehow I've ended up in a hole again, that feels deeper than ever :blush:

I went to see my GP about it a few months ago, as I knew I had to try to do something. I've got to a stage where I feel suicidal. The thought of feeling so anxious and so down everyday makes me not want to be here anymore. Its so exhausting, and so empty. Well, when I saw my GP he said I was really strong to admit how I've been feeling, and since then I've been going back to see him every few weeks to keep him up to date on how I'm getting on. Before Christmas, when I saw him, we were discussing what type of help is available, and I asked if it was possible to have some counselling -- back in 2001, I went through a dark time, and went to see a counsellor for quite a while, and it really helped me though -- when I told my GP this, he got onto organising it, and now I'm just waiting for more details. A nurse is going to phone me on the 19th of January to ask me some questions. I'm really worried though, that after this has happened, they might say I'm not eligable for counselling :unsure:

But, its great to find a forum like this, its lovely to meet you :)

11-01-09, 01:58
Hi Gemma, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here. I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through such a difficult time. I hope you find NMP as helpful as I have.

Best wishes xx :bighug1:

11-01-09, 05:47
:welcome: hi and welcome to NMP:)

11-01-09, 06:11
Hi there!

I'm Budgie (aka Gemma), I'm 25 and live in the UK. I just started a job in the civil service recently: I'm employed, I'm earning money, my supervisor says I'm doing really well.... so... why am I feeling like this? :doh::shrug:

I'm pretty shy, and often get tongue tied (even when I'm typing) so excuse me and my rambling! I've not felt so good for quite a while now. I guess I've always been a nervous person, but as I've got older its got worse. Lately I've been finding life quite hard to cope with, and have felt depressed as well as anxious. I've had difficult times with my emotions in the past, but somehow I've ended up in a hole again, that feels deeper than ever :blush:

I went to see my GP about it a few months ago, as I knew I had to try to do something. I've got to a stage where I feel suicidal. The thought of feeling so anxious and so down everyday makes me not want to be here anymore. Its so exhausting, and so empty. Well, when I saw my GP he said I was really strong to admit how I've been feeling, and since then I've been going back to see him every few weeks to keep him up to date on how I'm getting on. Before Christmas, when I saw him, we were discussing what type of help is available, and I asked if it was possible to have some counselling -- back in 2001, I went through a dark time, and went to see a counsellor for quite a while, and it really helped me though -- when I told my GP this, he got onto organising it, and now I'm just waiting for more details. A nurse is going to phone me on the 19th of January to ask me some questions. I'm really worried though, that after this has happened, they might say I'm not eligable for counselling :unsure:

But, its great to find a forum like this, its lovely to meet you :)

Hello sausage! :flowers:

Contragulations on your new job, making money AND doing it well!
I wish I was that good at making money! ;p

Life can be hard sometimes, being depressed and shy is like a kick in the nuts everyday, even if you haven't got any! When times are bad they suck, but when times are good! They are really good, and that is what you live for!

I spend quite a few years very lonely, my teenage years were dreadful, I was depressed, shy, anxious and sick and tired of life... I'm not talking generic teenage angst here either! I thought it would never get better for me either probably like you think it wont now! There was a couple of times where I thought about suicide!

But if I have any advice to give anyone who is depressed and considering suicide it's this... You never know what is around the next corner, you really don't! I met my girlfriend and my life changed... Life became good again!
Sure I still have anxiety and all kinds of silly crap I wish I didn't have but its worth living through the rough stuff!

Go to that shrink, sort yourself out! You can do it!! I suggest doing things you like changing up your daily routine and doing something different!

Hang in their sausage!

11-01-09, 13:42
Hi Gemma and:welcome: to NMP, pleased you found us. I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice, information and support.

chat is fun too and a great place to make new friends:biggrin:

11-01-09, 14:20
Hi Gemma

Welcome to the site I think you will get some good advice and support on here.

Take care


12-01-09, 18:44
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx