View Full Version : Please can anyone help me out?

10-01-09, 22:33
Hi there - I posted earlier - about two days ago - I just wanted to ask if anyone had experienced chest pain, on the right side - in conjunction with Acid Reflux or something similar. I'm sorry to ask again but no-one replied - and I know that it's boring but I am really scared that it's something to do with my lung - or cancer or something.

I did have a chest x-ray six months ago that was apparently clear but am now really worried that they were wrong and I have something awful. I had been having CBT - of which I had six sessions, and it really helped but I seem to have relapsed and find myself back here - thank God for this site as it really helps.

I don't have a cough but just a burning, constant pain on the right side...

I would be so grateful if someone could help - in anyway. Thank you very much and I'm sorry to ask again but really am quite alarmed...

10-01-09, 22:41
I have this.

I have had Health Anxiety for nearly 2 years and for the first 18 months all my symptoms where neurological...buzzing, twitching etc etc.

About 6 months ago I started getting acid reflux and then I started to experience right sided chest discomfort. My discomfort is actually more like a deep ache or stitch sensation that always seems to be there but varies in intensity...the discomfort can travel through to the back of my shoulder blade and also the shoulder itself. Very rarely I get an aching chest all over but the vast majority of the time it is the deep ache in one specific spot on the right side.

I have also had a clear chest X-Ray and my GP is sure it is somatic/anxiety related. The discomfort is never really that bad but is always bad enough to be noticable and make me worry as to what it 'could' be...then again, that is probably the point of it.

11-01-09, 01:10

It does sound as though it is the anxiety that is causing this. You were examined six months ago and everything was fine, so have confidence in that result. Also, bear in mind that you are having CBT sessions because of your anxiety and it can sometimes have small set backs, but don't give up on it.

Why not have a chat with your GP about your concerns, if only to ease your mind. I'll bet as soon as you have spoken to your doctor things will feel better.

13-01-09, 19:53
There seems to be a number of people posting about similar things to this, including me. You were kind enough to reply to my post the other day which I found reassuring, I hope I can do the same for you.

I've had this problem for many years and no further symptoms have developed. I get the pains in the side and my back and up to my chest, it's never agony but more of an ongoing discomfort.

I wouldn't want to say don't go to the doctor if you're worried but I really think these pains are caused by anxiety. I certainly get worse when I'm stressed and when life seems to be going well they disappear for months at a time.

Try and ignore it and focus on other things and if you can you'll notice the pain subsiding I feel sure.

Good luck

Tom xxx