View Full Version : What do we eat?

10-01-09, 23:12
I'm currently looking at the role of diet in anxiety and depression. There is much debate on this topic, but it seems clear that a deficiency of certain nutrients (vitamin D, for example) can lead to anxiety and depression. Also, we know that certain symptoms that we all worry about can be caused by dietary factors - such a dizziness from low blood sugar, or more irregular heartbeats because of a lack of potassium or magnesium.

I was wondering how many of us are vegetarians, vegans, meat-eaters or something in between? Also, how many of us avoid certain foods such as sugar/carbs or wheat specifically? How do people feel about cholesterol and fat?

10-01-09, 23:28
I am a vegetarian, not through choice, I don't like meat or fish. I used to be a chef and it never bothered me working with meat, lobsters etc. I love vegetables, eggs, pasta etc. I don't particually have a sweat tooth, would rather have cheese and crackers than cakes or chocolate.

10-01-09, 23:47
I am a veggie although I eat dairy products and free range eggs occasionally.

My diet is not very good though, I have poor appetite generally and have strange thoughts about food being kind of 'tampered with' or contaminated in some way, and I have some control issues with food too. I frequently start a meal but am unable to finish it. I quite recently had some frightening palpatations, not my usual anxiety palps and when I was checked out I was quite anaemic due to iron deficiency.

My hubby has gallstones and in an attempt to avoid pain and surgery he has really reduced his intake of fat. This leaves us with even less food choices but surely cutting out fatty food has its benefits.

11-01-09, 16:11
I am vegitarian since having bad gastritis I had to introduce foods back one by one and couldn't handle meat.
I drink alpro soya light in my tea and dont have coffee,alcohol or caffeinated drinks at all.
If I do eat eggs they have to be organic and I still struggle to get them down really, I can't even eat tinned salmon now just can't stomach it.
I take supplements to fill the gaps as advised by a dietician.

18-01-09, 06:47
Bumping this back up :). I'm trying to find out more about the connection between diet and anxiety, would love your help.

18-01-09, 14:00
I eat healthy lots of veg & salad. However when my anxiety is bad i cant eat & loose weight real quick which is good as i am not skinny.

I love cheese & takeaways which isn't good however i have am able to resist & eat them very rarely !!

18-01-09, 15:26
I actually could not check any of them because I eat only comfort food. Although I have pretty much cleared my anxiety, my OCD is still here and I have the same issues with food that the other reply has. I feel like food had been tampered with sometimes so I will only eat what I feel safe eating. I do get the lightheadedness sometimes because I am hypoglycemic. I have lost 75 pounds and the doctor wants me to eat 12 mini meals a day. I would like to know when I can do this...lol. Anyway I also believe that there is a link between what you eat and how you feel.

19-01-09, 10:13
I'm a vegeatarian by choice. Have been for around 16 years now. I do eat cheese and free range eggs (from my friends hens). At the moment because I ma struggling with a low mood I have lost my appetite completely. Even if I feel hungry I cant bare the thought of eating. I'm losing weight. I've become addicted to weighing myself every day. Sometimes losing upto 2lbs a day. I was overweight a few months ago and very depressed about my figure. I'd stopped smoking and started comfort eating and drinking far too much alcohol. Now I'm back to smoking and drinking coffee to stop me feeling hungry. Not a good thing to do, but I'm feeling happy about the weight I am losing and even went shopping for some new clothes last week. I'm scared to start eating again. I like being in control of losing weight and am feeling happier about my figure. I'm by no means anorexic. Far to fat for that still. lol But its lovely to be back in size 12 clothes after ballooning to size 16 last year.

20-01-09, 01:46
I comfort eat, huge problem with my sa. I do eat meat, but I'm wanting to go vegetarian soon.

21-01-09, 22:15
Greetings, my life was a viscious cycle of depression from age 13 along with social anxiety which had all life but only just realised SA in recent months. Became vegetarian at school but i never felt change, cutting out meat/fish didnt feel enough. Love all animals. So i am now vegan and this has a huge impact for your mind being more clear and understanding. I learned to accept my self and i'm no longer frustrated with how i am at this point in life. Depression has gone, just social anxiety to control. Finally seeing a therapist next week, i'll be nervous but have been thinking positive for last few months and i'm houseridden so i'm looking forward to changing my ways even tho it'll be hard.

Buddhism is true :)

21-01-09, 23:12
I know I could eat better and should considering I have been eating foods that I know will trigger my IBS (wheat and dairy mainly). These probably don't help my mood.

15-02-09, 23:13
Chocolate. And sometimes a bit of pasta.