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11-01-09, 10:42
i was on 20 mg citlaopram for years and stopped in last october. i startes them again just b4 xmas so ive been on them bout 3 weeks now. i dont feel any different, went to docs last week and he said i need to give them time, do u think he is right, still wake up every morning with the doom n gloom feeling xxx

11-01-09, 23:15
Hey, it takes at least 4-6 weeks for them to start working, so dont worry, hang in there and itll work soon! I've only been on them for a week and a 1/2, still not feeling great but have been told things get better with time!

12-01-09, 22:39
Hi bushar, I, like you came off them a few months ago and Im back on them and on day 8 of 20mg. I still wake up with the doom and gloom a bit but my side effects seem less than last time I was on them. We just need to give them a bit more time to build up in our systems x