View Full Version : Beta Blockers V SSRI's

11-01-09, 11:08
Hi everyone

Can anyone tell me how they got on using beta blockers to control their anxiety? I would be really interested to know because I wonder that if I took these to control my anxiety I may not need SSRI's.


11-01-09, 11:18
hi phil..i started taking propanlol i think it was a 10mg or 20mg when i was feeling anxious..but it was too late by then so i got 80mg slow realease ones ..the only effect i thought was that it calmed my heart rate down so the beatings didnt feel as intense and i had no side effects but panic and anxiety still hapened..so ive been out on citrlopram now and after day 8 im starting to feel alot better not reall had a full blown panic attack..so in my opinion ssri's work better for me...hope you get it sorted..xx

Veronica H
11-01-09, 11:24
:) Hi Phil

I found that the Betablockers took the fight or flight away for me because it stopped my heart racing. I was left with waves of anxiety, which I have managed to control thanks to Claire Weekes....available from the NMP shop. I would advise you not to go cold turkey with the SSRI's if you do decided to swap as they disappear from your body very quickily which can be quite a shock, so reduce them at first if you decide to stop them. I am back on a very low dose of Citalopram which lifts my mood just enough to keep me out of depression, I did come off them, but it didn't work for me.

Best wishes

11-01-09, 19:07
Thanks Leesa and Veronica. Its not teh first time that I have been on SRI's and I know they work. I was only put on Amyltriptiline last week and as yet they are not working very well. I know that I have to wait at least a week or more to notice the difference. Fingers crossed...If anyone has any experience of Amyltriptiline it would be great to hear from you!:yesyes:


11-01-09, 20:36

Have a look on Ask A Patient to get some reviews on Amitriptylene - it's www.askapatient (http://www.askapatient) I think. It's a tricyclic and I've head it's good for anxiety - never tried it myself. Remember the amitriptylene isn't an ssri it's a tricyclic.

A beta blocker isn't anything like an anti depressant Phil, a beta blocker slows down adrenalin production and slows down the heart. An antidepressant works in many different ways on the brain (sort of). Do a little bit of research on medications on a good website to get some knowledge for yourself - it's never a bad thing.

As I said to you before, don't expect the med to work miracles right now, in fact the anx may feel worse at the moment but it will lessen in a couple of weeks when med has built up in the system. For the moment try anything you can which you know relaxes you. Take care. xxxxx Just be nice to yourself.