View Full Version : Hi there

11-01-09, 15:30
Hello, I have been reading for a while but only recently joined.
I have been suffering with anxiety for a while now it all started after being in an abusive relationship after which I was diagnosed PTSD, gastritis and IBS, I had months of trauma counselling. I began to get better and have started voluntary work and a degree.
I have a son who has ADHD and is very hard to cope with he was diagnosed at 4 years old and his ADHD is not a result of the abusive relationship, he is now 15.
Before christmas I developed a flu and as I have had pneumonia twice I was scared of this going on my chest. It went in my ears and sinuses and was quite bad. Since then I have developed TMJ and my anxiety is through the roof, my drs have treated me terribly and I have had to insist on a referral to a ENT where this TMJ was diagnosed and I am currently still with this dr for treatment. I also have asthma so when that got very bad with the flu you can imagine how I was. I have visits to a and e with that also, the drs seemed useless at my gp's and I had to tell them I needed a steroid inhaler along wth my ventolin one to get the mucus under control, so I insisted on a referral to an asthma dr also.
The whole thing has been going on 6 weeks and every step of the way I have had to beg for help at my dr surgery, only when I have seen the specialists have I had any help at all.
Reluctantly I have agreed to a low dose of amitriptilyne as this is supposed to help with the tmj, I am back at the consultants tomorrow for my sinus CT results.
Regarding my sons his behaviour during this time I have been ill has been mostly very bad and has made me much worse, there is only he and I here, I have no family or help or suppport at all apart from an elderly aunt whos husband limits her time away from him.
Sorry if it's long but it's all connected.
Anyway that's me, Hi.

11-01-09, 15:53

Welcome to the site, sounds like things have been really tough for you. I think this site will offer you lots of advice and support.

Take care and I hope things improve soon.


11-01-09, 15:55
Hi Trapped

Welcome to NMP :flowers:

Lovely to meet you and i hope the site will be of help to you.


11-01-09, 15:58
Thanks for your quick responses it's so nice to know someone is there and "gets" it :bighug1:one of the hardest things I think is the isolation and fear and feeling not heard.:unsure:

11-01-09, 15:59
You certainly won't be isolated here hun. It really is a brilliant place and we all muck in to help each other. :biggrin:


11-01-09, 16:01
You certainly won't be isolated here hun. It really is a brilliant place and we all muck in to help each other. :biggrin:


Well I hope I can help others as well as get help, thanks for making me feel so welcome.:hugs:

11-01-09, 16:04
HI there hun:yesyes:

A BIG warm welcome from me too, hope the site is of great help to you.


11-01-09, 17:19
:welcome: hi and welcome to NMP:)

11-01-09, 17:53
Hi Trapped and:welcome: to NMP.
I can totally empathise with you. I ended up being a single parent to a son who had ADHD, he was on medication, got thrown out of school and got into trouble with the police. His behaviour was very challenging to say the least! He is now 23, working as a joiner, has a partner and is a very proud father to a 2 year old daughter. A day I thought I would never see. Are you getting any support? if not ask your GP. My son ended up seeing both a Psychologist and Psychiatrist which helped immensly. Things do get better.

I'm pleased you found us. I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice, information and support.

chat is fun too and a great place to make new friends:biggrin:

11-01-09, 17:55
welcome trapped...

11-01-09, 18:38
Hi Trapped and:welcome: to NMP.
I can totally empathise with you. I ended up being a single parent to a son who had ADHD, he was on medication, got thrown out of school and got into trouble with the police. His behaviour was very challenging to say the least! He is now 23, working as a joiner, has a partner and is a very proud father to a 2 year old daughter. A day I thought I would never see. Are you getting any support? if not ask your GP. My son ended up seeing both a Psychologist and Psychiatrist which helped immensly. Things do get better.

I'm pleased you found us. I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice, information and support.

chat is fun too and a great place to make new friends:biggrin:

Yes, he is at CAMHS being assessed for bipolar currently, it is his behaviour over the holidays and my being ill which has made me so bad again, I now have tmj because of coping with his behaviour towards me and being up all night etc etc, the aggression and carry on... he is on meds but I can't always get him to take them and his psych would have him on a much higher dose too..... my dr has now referred me to the cmht it's so unfair and it scares me.....

12-01-09, 18:44
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx