View Full Version : My Dr has referred me to the mental health team

11-01-09, 18:32
and I am really scared. Part of my anxiety is being scared of them being involved with me, I am afraid that once they are they will take over and I will be made to have a social worker and made to go into hospital and all sorts of things and I will no longer be in control of mine and my sons life.
I am a carer for my son who has ADHD and caring for him has brought all this back on as he has recently gone through a very difficult phase and is being assessed for bipolar by CAMHS and this has made me ill because of the way he has been behaving. I really don't want to go down this road, do I have to now my gp has referrred me?

Anna C
11-01-09, 21:26

I'm sure you can change your mind, I think when I received my letter for the assessment with the mental health nurse, it gave a number to ring if you wanted to change your appt or if you didn't feel you needed therapy any more.

I understand how scared you are feeling as I was scared too, I am doing CBT and it is helping.

I don't really know that much about what happens just my experience, but if you suffer from anxiety/panic, I don't think you will need to go into hospital or that social services would be involved.

Good luck and Take care Anna xx

11-01-09, 21:32
Thanks for your reply Anna, I was wondering if I had said something wrong cos so many views and no reply.
Thing is I want to get help just scared control will be taken from me, does that make sense?

11-01-09, 21:34
Hi There

I wouldnt worry about it too much, you wont get sent to hospital. i got referred to the CMHT and they where brilliant it opened lots of doors for me to get more help, CBT, community helper, anxiety groups etc which im sure it will for you too. The last thing i promise you is for them to want you in hospital. They will assess you, ask you questions and work out the best therapy for you to help you get better.


11-01-09, 21:48
Thanks HB, so they don't send people to the house pestering you do they?
I mean I really don't need a social worker I just want someone to help me with my anxiety because I have a lot on my plate.
How bad do you have to be before they assign people to you against your will?

11-01-09, 21:58
Ohh i wouldnt expect them just to turn up at your house. Im sure you will get a letter or a phone call asking when they can call to assess your sittuation, thats what happened with me no one ever just turned up out of the blue and to be honest thats not good practice.
If you are struggling at the moment hun i would take all the opportunitys you can to get help. Like i said the CMHT helped me so much when i was at my lowest. I had 2 young children too at the time, a husband who was in hospital with a suspected heart attack and i couldnt leave the house because my panic was so bad. They where so helpfull.


11-01-09, 22:12
Thanks Andrea, I am going to try to sleep now, I hope you have a good night xx

11-01-09, 22:29
Well i hope everything goes ok for you hun, let us know wont you?

Hope you sleep well

12-01-09, 12:17

My GP referred me to Community Mental Health for the start of 2006 so I have some experience of this- he also referred me last year to a Psychiatrist. The first thing I would say is not to stress yourself too much at the moment because it will be some time before they get in contact. I was supposedly fast tracked and it still took over 3 months before I heard from them.

I have to be honest and say that in my own case I found them CPN of no use at all. Each case will be different though. But I hope I can reassure you by letting you know that nothing will be forced upon you. They put the ball firmly in your court and basically ask what help you need. And if you don't want it then you just tell them. Last year they wanted to send a nurse out to teach me breathing techniques and I told them no and that was an end to.

So please don't think you will be forced into anything you do not want to do. They are if nothing else very understanding and do not put pressure on you and also respect any wishes you have. The standard of treatment you have is all down to the individual who is assigned to you so I hope you get someone who can really help you with your problems. But don't worry about being put in any kind of position because you are the one in control and you won't allow that to happen.

My experience, apart from the treatment itself, was much like Andrea posted. I got a letter and then appointments were arranged. When I didn't feel up to a visit I told them and they rearranged it for another time. You will definitely only have them around when you dictate.

All the best


12-01-09, 17:57

My GP referred me to Community Mental Health for the start of 2006 so I have some experience of this- he also referred me last year to a Psychiatrist. The first thing I would say is not to stress yourself too much at the moment because it will be some time before they get in contact. I was supposedly fast tracked and it still took over 3 months before I heard from them.

I have to be honest and say that in my own case I found them CPN of no use at all. Each case will be different though. But I hope I can reassure you by letting you know that nothing will be forced upon you. They put the ball firmly in your court and basically ask what help you need. And if you don't want it then you just tell them. Last year they wanted to send a nurse out to teach me breathing techniques and I told them no and that was an end to.

So please don't think you will be forced into anything you do not want to do. They are if nothing else very understanding and do not put pressure on you and also respect any wishes you have. The standard of treatment you have is all down to the individual who is assigned to you so I hope you get someone who can really help you with your problems. But don't worry about being put in any kind of position because you are the one in control and you won't allow that to happen.

My experience, apart from the treatment itself, was much like Andrea posted. I got a letter and then appointments were arranged. When I didn't feel up to a visit I told them and they rearranged it for another time. You will definitely only have them around when you dictate.

All the best


Thanks Nechtan, much appreciated :bighug1:

12-01-09, 18:14
Ohh dont worry, i have a social worker (for mental health) and you know shes been fantastic, i also have a care worker who helps me too, if it wasnt for them i dont know where id be now :)
honestly there not bad people they are there to help you, ive actally got a life through my social worker, they come the doctors with me and other appointments etc.. and she told me people with anxiety dont end up in a hospital :)
dont worry they are nice people....honestly! x

12-01-09, 18:34
Thanks Bubblefizz:hugs:

I really want to do this just scared it's like a point of no return and will always be on my records so that when I go to the drs anything will be thought of as in my mind and not taken seriously.....