View Full Version : hi from a newbie

11-01-09, 21:00
hi my names amy from the uk. im 26 and i have general anxiety over everything and mild panic attacks...i also have mild eating dissorders but the doctors dont know about this.
i have been recently been prescribed citrolpram which is more of an anti depressant but i have only ever felt true relief from my symtoms from diazepam - which i tried illegally in desperation. bviosuly i cant tell my doctor this and the citrolpram is helping a little but its so frustrating

11-01-09, 21:13
Hi Amy and:welcome: to NMP, pleased you found us. I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice, information and support. Remember you are never alone.

chat is fun too and a great place to make new friends:biggrin:

11-01-09, 21:15
yeah sometimes i feel so alone! god i hate having this anxiety all the time and the dctor just saw it as depression

11-01-09, 21:34
Hi Goodwaa

You WILL get good support on here. I find the doc tried to palm me off with Prozac. I took them back the next day and asked them to dispose of them as I was not going to take them. I am really worried about being palmed off with tablets. Our docs surgery has its own dispensary and that makes me feel as if the doctors are not prescribing for the good of the patient but for kick backs off the drug companies, you know they get a huge payout for certain drugs they prescribe. That and the fact that I am too chicken to take drugs as I am so tuned in to how my body is acting that any changes to that will make me freak out and my Anx will go sky high.

I find the best drug free way for me has been studying Buddhism as I am an agnostic and so death really was a problem for me. I needed something that I could prove works now and not when I am buried.

Secondly having a anx diary with you at all times allows me to find out what makes me tick. When I feel best and worse is the key to knowing what naturally removes the anx. I found that being with positive friends helps, Being busy doing things I really enjoy (hobbies). I never had a hobby and so tried to begin and found my passion arose. I started reading after only reading 4 Books completely all my life this was a big step and I wanted something that was portable and interesting just in case my thoughts came true and I was in hospital I could take my mind off the what ifs.

Relaxation, learning meditation to ease the continual chattering of my mind. I meditate daily even when feeling OK. It helps me focus on my mind and how it works.

Hope this helps a little.


12-01-09, 18:31
yeah im not really depressed. i have a crap job and have just been dumped but those are just things that have happened not depression. i have total panic attacks and invollenty spasms in my arm and feet. i thini maybe valium costs them too much wheras they get a nice kickback from the citrolopram people!! maybe im just a cynic!its just hard cos you cant dictate to the doctor what meds you think u should have or tell them you think theyre wrong cos then they will think your just some crackhead because poeple do abuse drugs!