View Full Version : How u Act before an attack?

11-01-09, 21:49

I was wondering how many of us feel hyper before a Anxiety attack. I find I talk faster, seem to rush and make mistakes, My friend says I sound punch drunk, I can feel great and buzzy. My mind works faster and I know if I don't slow it all down quickly I will have a bad attack of Anxiety. What brought this to mind was the BBC Headroom series with Alister Campbell, He said just before he had his breakdown he was running at 100mph his friends said he was talking fast like his brain just could not stop.

If you have had a Nervous breakdown Like me can you remember how you were before you had it and what warning signs you look for now?


12-01-09, 12:28
In my case I am the opposite. I withdraw and don't say a word. If someone talks to me then I get really iritable.

The strange thing is that the way you feel before an attack I can completely relate to. It is exactly the way I feel after I've endured an attack. It is like a rush of adrenalin and I get this real rush where I cannot slow down while talking and feel hyper. I think I get elated when I have got through it and feel so much better for it.

All the best


12-01-09, 22:18

I assume the adrenalin is built up gradually with me. The more stimulation the worse or better it becomes. I can get too excited like a child on Xmas eve I then start to talk fast. I have a very short concentration span. Agitated and need to move about a lot. I Think the word is overstimulated. I know if I go further I will fall off the emotional cliff.

I cant help feeling that Depression would cause me to withdraw. I think if I am in a depressed mood then I can dwell on bad things and this is a different trigger.

Either way the same outcome...


13-01-09, 11:59
I am the same as Nechatn - get VERY irritable if partner tries to talk to me and then when it is over am hyper talking and want to talk non stop

I get very restless as one is starting and want to escape - where to am not sure but generally want to go out of the house -although usually the house is the only place I feel safe!!!