View Full Version : citalopram and alcohol..?

11-01-09, 22:13
just wondering has anyone drank alcohol with citalopram and if so is there any side effects..?be glad to hear from any experinces..??

11-01-09, 22:25
I know a lot of people on here don't and I know I shouldn't but I must admit that I do. I have cut down quite a bit from what I used to but I did drink more than I planned to at Christmas.:blush: I have never had any side effects at all.:unsure:

11-01-09, 23:12
The doctor told me not to drink, but only because it can make depression worse. I'm not sure whether its got to do with the tablets themselves or depression. Did your GP mention anything about it to you?

11-01-09, 23:55
docs just told me not to drink..im not sure the reasons why thou...

12-01-09, 07:49
Hi, I'm on my 4th week of citalopram and I was really nervous about having a drink. I tried a couple of glasses of wine over Xmas and was fine though, no side effects at all. I then went a bit mad on Friday and drank loads!!! Apart from being excessively tired the next day I felt fine so my advice would be to make sure you don't have anything to do the following day :yesyes: . Hope you get on Ok..

12-01-09, 07:57
Alcohol without meds has many side effects.

I wouldn't advise anyone on prescription meds to drink.


12-01-09, 22:44
Hey all. A few drinks is okay but I must stress just a few. I went overboard on the drink and drank shots and lots of drinks on a night out when the citalopram started working and it brought me right back to square one. Really panicky and anxious and had to up my dose! Be warned its a big no-no. I have had to start citalopram again 3 months after successfully withdrawing from them with no bad effects. This is due to me drinking too much while off the tablets. I had a night out at christmas and once again drank too much and the next morning I was in a bad anxious, depressed way and this lasted for 2 weeks till I went to the doctor and went back on citalopram. I am NEVER binge drinking again. It makes me more anxious and depressed than ever! Alcohol depresses the central nervous system in the brain and depletes seretonin which is required to keep us relaxed and happy. For people who are prone to depression, drinking alcohol in my opinion is ridiculous.

13-01-09, 13:01
I too have drank too much whilst taking C and set myself back to square one now i just cant find the right dose currently taking 30 for 4 weeks after taking 25mg for 5 weeks but still dont feel anygood feel anxiety and spaced out still till 6pm then dont feel too bad could the dose be too high or not high enough dont know what to do

14-01-09, 00:06
I would go back to the doctor if you are still anxious after 4 weeks on 30mg and see what he says. Maybe it just needs a little more time x

14-01-09, 15:18
thanks think i will but just getting fed up of waiting and a bit scared to up the dose if it doesnt work

28-01-09, 14:10
i had one small sherry at christmas and was ok

28-01-09, 20:46
I chanced a couple of glasses of wine and was fine, but I wouldn't like to try any more than that.

05-02-09, 21:43
Alcohol is a deppressive on its own. I stopped drinking whilst i got stablized on my meds. I now drink socially or occassional glass of wine with a meal but no where near like i use to. I am very careful how much i drink as if i just drink one to many i can feel low for days.

06-02-09, 14:29
When I first was put on 10mg citalopram about 18 months ago my doctor said it was fine to have a few drinks, but that the medication would mean that it affected me in all the usual ways much faster. I did get drunk far more quickly when I tried alcohol at the same time, and despite not being hungover the next day, I was far more anxious. Nowadays im on 40mg and having anything to drink makes me very very drunk so I avoid drinking because it makes me feel so out of control and very vulnerable.

06-02-09, 14:36
Yes nicki, i too try to avoid drink i had 1 wine and soda a couple of nights ago and still felt more anxiety the next day. In the past i have got very drunk on these meds and just threw up the next morning, although felt very good and anxiety free whilst having the drink, the following few days were awful and set me really back to stage 1. I am now too scared too drink 1 never mind anymore!!!!! Lucy