View Full Version : Seriously depressed.

11-01-09, 23:02
This probably isn't even HA, but i've been feeling so down lately that i can't drag myself out of bed.

Probably because i can never get to sleep at night and feel so crappy in the morning.

Also because my knee dislocates regularly, last time was in 2007, so i thought the ordeal was over and done with, but it's came out again recently and i'm so sick of it that it's got me down. I've had a brace on it and can't bend it, and have college tomorrow. I enjoy my course. But it ivolves physical movement, which i won't be able to do. Which means i won't be able to go (as it's pointless with how far it is and the amount of stairs involved in getting there). I need to go so i get my money, but i can't. So i'll be missing out on my money unless i have a hospital letter, which costs £25, can't afford it so i have no proof.
I can't do anything because of this stupid pathetic knee, i only turned round a little too sharp.

I feel so down, it's like i've just had a divorce or something! I have a heavy feeling in my heart.

I don't want to take anti-depressants, they have too many side affects and i don't want to risk getting hooked.

11-01-09, 23:26
i think you are very depressed as you seem to be finding a negative to every action you take.... this is hard to get motivated when you are feeling like this

Dont give up or put things in your way to stop you doing what you want.... take things in small steps and you will get there..... SO dont think you have to go to college tomorrow all day.... set yourself a target of a couple of hours

We sometime have to push ourselves out of comfort zone, just a list, even with physical or mental illness, to get ourselves better, rather than worse

good luck and hope you feel better soon