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12-01-09, 02:12
But I'm glad I found this site so I can communicate with people who share my illness......here's my story....

In the late spring of 2007 I had my first Panic Attack. I had received some particularly poor grades that semester. I was already depressed about having to go to a community college and live at home with my parents while all of my friends got to go off to college after high school.

It was the Thursday night before Memorial Day weekend. I was to get 4 wisdom teeth pulled on Friday morning. I was sitting in my room, engaging in some medicinal plants (I've since stopped). When I suddenly was stricken with a panic attack. I remember pacing back and forth in my room late at night while the rest of my family slept. I couldn't regain my breath. I was getting random chills. I thought maybe drinking water would get oxygen into my body quicker so I tried that. I started throwing up in a cup in my room which seemed to help.

After that night, I was never the same. That weekend my Anxiety was extremely intense. The main symptom for me was shortness of breath. I thought I had a collapsed lung or something. I'd never suffered from Anxiety so it was particularly scary for me. My problem was that I had to wait till Tuesday to go see a doctor. I toughed it out and Tuesday rolled around. I called the family doctor to try to make an appointment but they turned me away because it was a new doctor for us and they didn't have a physical of mine on record.

So I went to a local health care service in town. It was a cheaper solution for people who couldn't afford anything else. This place conducted all kinds of tests on my lungs. They couldn't find anything wrong with my lungs, so they diagnosed as my shortness of breath being due to my anxiety and prescribed my a certain medication (are we allowed to name our meds?)

While leaving the first health care center, my father called my cell phone and told me he had chewed out our family doctor for not accepting me in a time of emergency. So that afternoon, I visited the family doctor. He sent me to the local University Hospital to get blood tests done and other tests. I had an X-RAy of my lungs taken, they did blood tests, ruled out a Pulmonary Embolism. They all said it was simply anxiety.

Since that event, I just haven't been the same. I'm a lot better than I was when it first started happening though. I graduated from my community college with an associates Degree in June and I transferred to a 4-year college 1 hr. away in August. I'm headed into my second semester at the 4-year college, and my second semester of living away from my parents in my own apartment. I hate my roomates, I'm not a partier, this school is all about partying, my apartment is built poorly, and is loud everywhere.

Simply put, I'm happy at the University as far as academics go, but I hate my apartment life.

Recently I'd been suffering from Anxiety with finals and everything. I went to my doctor in early december, he prescribed me some meds. I also visited a cardiologist who ruled out some worries my doctor had, which is good.

Anyways, my name is Alex. I suffer from Anxiety and slight depression. I'm glad I found this site, and I look forward to talking with you all.


12-01-09, 02:56
Hi Alex, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :)

12-01-09, 18:37
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx