View Full Version : Pre Menstrual or Pre Menopausal?

Purple Fish
12-01-09, 11:49
Hi Everyone!

I hope there are women out there who can relate to this! For two years now I have suffered awful PMS symptoms and I was put on Prozac and Norethisterone (mini-pill) which I am still taking.
My doctor said I was too young to be getting ready for the menopause (I`m 36) and my symptoms were pre menstrual, nothing else.

My symptoms haven`t got any better and they include migraine, dizziness, night sweats, pins and needles in my hands, feelings of anxiety, depression, dread.

I have just booked an appointment with a female doctor for this Thursday and I know she is very sympathetic. I either want something to make me feel normal again or for her to find out if it is the pre-menopause.

Tanya xx :wacko:

12-01-09, 12:02
hey hun..im too young to go through the menopause and stuff but i do get pretty bad PMS.. im sorry i cant really help u on this 1 just wanted to say try not to worry.. and give u some huge hugs.... xxx:bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1: :bighug1:

12-01-09, 12:02
Hi Tanya

I got a menopause test kit which was recommended to me from boots. Its a little on the expensive side but good for putting your mind at ease.


12-01-09, 13:45
Hi honey, sorry you are having a hard time. I am 39 and am premonpausal, I have had my hormone levels checked and thats what I am. I thought it was too early too but they say it goes on family history sometimes and all the woman in my family started menopause early. I am now down to one day periods. I have every symptom you have described and more. When I go to bed at night and start to fall asleep, I will get pins and needles in my hands. I do get really lightheaded around the time of my period. I have to sleep with extra blankets and a fan because one minute I am freezing and the next I am burning up. My husband has taken to sleeping on the couch. One minute I love you, the next I dont. It can be amusing sometimes. Take care and see your docotr for a level. It will work out.:hugs:

Purple Fish
12-01-09, 15:01
Thank you for all your replies! I`ll let you know how I get on!

xx Tanya xx :hugs:

fed up with it
13-01-09, 19:38
Hi purple fish, i am too experiencing the same thing as you. I am getting really bad low feelings with suicidal thought, my anxiety is really bad before my period, and the feeling of dread is unbearable, i also get this horrible piontless/hopeless bleak feeling, aswell as the dizziness, and now i cant sleep. my mum and nan never had a period after 42, and i am 37 this year! i am sure something is going on. so if you want to pm me feel free.

Purple Fish
14-01-09, 08:06
Thanks Carol :hugs:

Are you on any meds? I go to see a doctor tomorrow morning and I`m taking a long list of symptoms! I`ll let you know how I get on. I`m actually looking forward to going!

Take Care

Tanya xx

14-01-09, 09:01

Funnily I have been wondering if my increased anxiety over the past year is related to menopause. I have always suffered with anxiety but it has been worse recently.

I am 46 soon, and my Mum had her last period at 47 after going 10 months without one!

I am also wondering if the aniety will settle down after menopaue of whether it was always be like this for me?

Will be interested to see other peoples views on this.

Love Karen xx

14-01-09, 16:05
Hi Everyone,

In answer to your question. I am 49 years old and haven't had a period for 3 years, early menopause runs in my family. I have always been a little anxious particularly about health symptoms but during and since the menopause it has gone through the roof. I've been on Citalopram on 3 seperate occasions and will be taking them for the foreseeable future, also for the last 2 months since my last bout of really bad HA I have been given Diazapam and Lorazapam also to take when needed which I do but never in a million years did I think I would need a tablet to get me through a meal in a restuarant. But at the moment thats the way it is. Don't ever underestimate the power of your hormones.

P.S. I have all the same symtoms as you Purple Fish except Migraine.

Take Care.

14-01-09, 20:04

I started premenopausal symptoms at 35 and was postmenopausal at 45! I had the nightsweats and migraines and everything. I will say they tried me on prozac too which did nothing but increase my anxiety. I could never take the pill because it increased my migraines so I went through menopause without any hormonal aids. I do hope your appointment goes well and I think women doctors are the best to go to because they actually are hormonal too. If you ever want to know some little things I did to help get me through it I will be happy to tell you so please pm me. I hope you feel better soon.

Laura xxx

14-01-09, 20:54
Hi Everyone!

I hope there are women out there who can relate to this! For two years now I have suffered awful PMS symptoms and I was put on Prozac and Norethisterone (mini-pill) which I am still taking.
My doctor said I was too young to be getting ready for the menopause (I`m 36) and my symptoms were pre menstrual, nothing else.

My symptoms haven`t got any better and they include migraine, dizziness, night sweats, pins and needles in my hands, feelings of anxiety, depression, dread.

I have just booked an appointment with a female doctor for this Thursday and I know she is very sympathetic. I either want something to make me feel normal again or for her to find out if it is the pre-menopause.

Tanya xx :wacko:

I haven't been on anything but I know 2 weeks before my period I feel like the world's crashing down. I cannot control my emotions, I feel so much nausea, then when I am actually on it it's worse. Migraines, and just totally out of sorts.

Sigh, the joys of being a woman.:huh:

Purple Fish
15-01-09, 10:25

Well.....I`ve been to the doctors and in a way I wish I hadn`t! I reeled off all my symptoms and she has told me to stop taking the Norethisterone straight as away as it doesn`t seem to be helping me. And I`m to take the Prozac in the two weeks leading up to my period.
I`m having a blood test tomorrow to see if I have an over active thyroid because of my night sweats :shrug: and she has reffered me to the hopital to test me for carpal tunnel syndrome due to the pins and needles in my fingers.
I am not feeling good about all this and I`m in two minds to cancel. All this has made me feel worse and I came out of there nearly in tears.
On my blood test envelope it says under Biochemistry - TFT, FSH & LH anyone knows what this means? The electrolytes and liver boxes have been ticked too! What does this mean?? HELP :ohmy:

I`m so worried!!

Tanya xx

15-01-09, 10:55

Funnily I have been wondering if my increased anxiety over the past year is related to menopause. I have always suffered with anxiety but it has been worse recently.

I am 46 soon, and my Mum had her last period at 47 after going 10 months without one!

I am also wondering if the aniety will settle down after menopaue of whether it was always be like this for me?

Will be interested to see other peoples views on this.

Love Karen xx

Yes I do believe that anxiety is related to the menopause. My anxiety started at around the same time my period was late. I started with acid reflux and worried myself silly and have since read that that can also be related to the menopause too. I haven't had a period since last October now and I will be 46 this year. I only have one ovary due to having one taken out because I had a large cyst when I was 28 and the doctor said people with one ovary can tend to reach menopause earlier. I think both my sisters were about 48-50 when they finished their periods though.:shrug:

15-01-09, 11:06
Hi Tanya

As far as im aware the TFT is to check your thyroid, FSH and LH are hormone blood tests. I wouldnt worry these are all normal routine tests including the liver ones. I had blood tests the other week i was worried like you but all was ok. I have been having problems with my periods also and its still a mystery, GP as put it down to begining of the menapause.

Try not to worry, i know its easier said than done

Purple Fish
15-01-09, 11:26
Hi Honeybee,

Thank you so much for your reply it has made me feel a lot better!

You deserve a hug! :bighug1: xx

Tanya xx