View Full Version : Anyone else Have Anxiety about their age?

12-01-09, 12:03
I sure do! Sometimes i lay awake at night dwelling on how old i am the fact that i've probably already lived at least half my life if not more. I know we can die at any age but i'm really having a problem with age,,,i'm 36 (37 in a few days) and i always think i probably wont live another 37 years:weep: , life is so short, i'm so close to 40, i know that if it doesn't happen before i'm 40 then when i turn 40 i will deffinately have a breakdown. I mean there is other things i obsess over like every ache and pain and just my overall health but lately i've been really obsessing over my age:scared15: ,,,,,weird? Am i the only one that obsesses over their age?

12-01-09, 12:10

I have been having these thoughts too latley. Im 46 in a couple of month. My father died at 58 and i keep thinking if i die at that age i havent long left.
Why cant i think about the positve things like my mum in her late 70s who is still going strong and my aunt in her 90s too !

Flipping anxiety !:ohmy:

12-01-09, 12:41
Sometimes, it washes over me. Not as much as it used to, though. Here's some tough love from the Roman philosopher-emperor Marcus Aurelius. He was a Stoic, so very good at looking things straight in the eye.

"Suppose that a god announced that you were going to die tomorrow 'or the day after'. Unless you were a complete coward you wouldn't kick up a fuss about which day it was - what difference could it make? Now recognise that the difference between years from now and tomorrow is just as small."

"Stop whatever you're doing for a moment and ask yourself: Am I afraid of death because I won't be able to do this any more?"

And, more radical still - much more radical than anything I've heard from any modern advisor...

"Think of yourself as dead. You have lived your life. Now take what's left and live it properly."

It's helping me. If it doesn't help you, leave it by the wayside, and I'm sorry if I've disturbed you.

12-01-09, 13:00
I know exactly how you feel, I'm 20, and I spend every day looking at news reports, or statistics on age of death, and I can't help but panic, it's horrible. I don't want to spend my life worrying, but I fear I could waste my life doing other things, that leaves me with no choice but to linger in this space where I just try to ignore it all.

12-01-09, 17:53
I'm 43 now ... when I turned 40 the anxiety really kicked in. My sister's a nurse and all she talks about are young people in their 40's getting terrible diseases and dying. It totally freaks me out. I worry a lot about this.

12-01-09, 18:34
I sort of have it the other way round. I'm 31 and I think people that are in their 60s or 70s are so lucky to have made it to that age. I don't want to wish my life away or anything - I just really want to be alive at that age and see my girls grow up. Hope that makes sense!!

12-01-09, 19:13
Oooh yes 40 this year which means 41 next year. I am so worried that I am half way through my life an yet I still feel the same as I did when was a teenager, no more sensible, no more grown up, still worrying........

12-01-09, 19:55
Yep. I will be 44 next month and I dread it!!

12-01-09, 20:05
Its not wierd its hit me since the new year. I worry about my health, every ache and pain if I let it get to me bad at times and I am 30 in 8 months and I am dreading it to be honest. I know its still young but I always remember my mum saying that once you hit 30 you are 'older' and your health isn't what it was, thanks mum, lol!

Since I was 5 ive always cried at the thought of dying, if I stop and think about it now I still get upset and find it hard to accept. Its awful to think one day we aren't here but it also makes you realise we have to enjoy every day and do everything we want to do, have no regrets! On the other hand though I do worry that this anxiety will ruin the rest of my life so its a constant battle against it which is exhausting.

12-01-09, 21:25
The problem is the worry about dying makes you want to enjoy life, but at the same time, the constant fear of running out of time makes you struggle to enjoy life, i panic about every day that i might be 'wasting'.

12-01-09, 21:46
Yes I'm there with the rest of you. I think about it at least every other day. I'm 44 and am always thinking, "how could something not be wrong with me at this age?" And then when I think for a brief moment that nothings wrong I turn back to the thought, "but I'm 44 now." Just bad thoughts I need to get rid of.:weep:

12-01-09, 21:56
yeah this is another of those 'vicous circle' thoughts we all get, i'm 37, my partner was 40 yesterday, my health has genuinely gone down hill over the last 6 months but i am taking positive genuine steps to sort it out!

Some ways i think us lot are better off, we are aware of our thoughts, and in turn maybe realise more than most how important every day is - thats my way of dealing with the 'getting older' thoughts....
