View Full Version : Pain/discomfort in my side and now my chest

12-01-09, 13:11
I know lots of people have pains of this sort and I know it can be caused by anxiety.

I started getting pain in my right side (about where my elbow sits) about 10 years ago (I'm now 29), I used to sometimes get searing pain which would last a while and then go away completely. In recent years it's more of an occasional ache which is really on and off sometimes for months and then it goes away.

A couple of years ago I went to the doc who sent me for a gallbladder ultrasound which showed nothing, they also said my liver and kidneys seemed normal. Just before Christmas it started again and it it's still going on and off and the discomfort has spread to my chest, it doesn't feel like my heart or my lungs.

I seems that the more I think about it the worse it gets causing more anxiety etc etc. I suppose it could be digestive but doctors always seem unconcerned.

Anyone experienced anything like this?

12-01-09, 13:13
I have been getting these pains bad, and my dr said its stress and strain, a hot wheat bag helps.

12-01-09, 19:40
This might sound strange - but your post has made me feel better - I posted recently with the same thing..... I have right sided pain, just below the rib cage and now in my chest - I can't tell if it's my lung or anything but assumed it was.Perhaps it really is anxiety related - and digestive issues..... it's horrible and I wish it would go away - but a few people seem to suffer from the same thing.Anxiety is a foul thing..... but if it's only anxiety - which it's beginning to sound like it is - then I guess that should make us feel better.xx

12-01-09, 21:35
Thank you for your posts Angietomjimandcass and bex1970.

I can totally understand that seeing that someone else has the same sort of issues as you can make you feel better. When you really don't know what it is and the doctor doesn't help it is good to hear that it could just be anxiety related.

I've found it very useful with this and other ailments to hear of other people sharing the problem (not that I'm pleased that others suffer). I think that the key thing is believing that it is anxiety and this makes it possible to turn your attention away from the symptoms which in turn can lead to them disappearing.

We need to feel better and move on....

Good luck xx