View Full Version : Dreaded back to work feeling!

Ring Tailed Lemur
12-01-09, 13:42
Hi Everyone

I have been off work now for approx 6 weeks due to experiencing an awful panic attack/anxiety and having depression. I have managed to gradually build myself back to being able to go out to supermarkets etc over this time (although theres no denying that i still get those 'flappy' 'goldfish bowl' feelings!)

I have decided to venture back to work on Thursday, mainly because i cannot afford to be off work any longer! So its more out of having to then wanting to.... However, im a bundle of nerves. I feel so anxious about the drive to work (on m25 for about an hour each way). I did a practice drive to work with my boyfriend at the weekend, i managed it ok but i felt so tense. Im also worrying about being quite far away from home all day. And the biggest worry of all is having a panic attack at work.

I was wondering if anyone could give me some helpful tips/suggestions on the 'going back to to work' scenario. How did you manage it?

Many Thanks
Ring Tailed Lemur :)

12-01-09, 13:54
Good for you, you can do it. I went back to work after having 2 months off and was terrified. One the first day back I did have an anxiety attack, but I stayed there and it went away after using some coping skills. I listen to music through my head phones to drown out outside noise and that helps me focus. I kept going back everyday and the anxiety kept getting smaller and smaller with each day. I have been back now for 6 months and am doing great. It will be a stuggle but you can do it. Remember to breathe and relax your muscles. It is ok to have an attack, but work through it, dont run away. The more you can cope with it the faster it will go away. Take care and good luck, you can do it...:hugs: