View Full Version : Greetings! My story thus far....

12-01-09, 14:41
Hi all, pleased to meet you, my name is Derek (no surprises there then!) 37 yrs old & a good ol mental case sufferinf from panic & anxiety since i was approx 21 yrs old.

I am well aware what happens to me & my body yet i cannot seem to over come it, my mother has a huge thunder & lightening phobia and i'm guessing thats where mine stems from.

I have fears of dying, flying, bridges, height (in or out) - so all pretty much linked, i am unusually confident person though and run my own business & speak to new people & clients daily most of the time whilst dealing with my own 'inner' issues! (Oh what fun!)

My partner is great as is our baby girl, really supportive in their own ways, my aim to if i cannot over come it then learn to live with it, and never affraid to say i suffer.

My fears are of operations, and last year i had to be put under for a tooth extraction that went well, unfortuately this year i have to have a large operation so this is slightly worrying but hey lets try and get on with it!!

Enough doom & gloom, if i can talk to you, help you or you have similar problems to me dispite your age, sex, colour or creed do not hesitate to say hello....

Belated Happy 2009 to you all.


12-01-09, 14:51
:D hello derek:welcome: you are fairly long term sufferer like me then - im 36 and have suffered since i was 14 on/off - cant say ive had any career success like you though - however just coping in life i think with anxiety is pretty admirable? still i would like to be able to say i run a successful business - so good for you, for acheiving that whilst suffering - also i agree with the acceptance thing - i think the longer you suffer the more you come to realise that making a part of who we actually are go away isnt very helpful at all, and that wholeheartedly embracing this side of ourselves and looking after ourselves is much more positive and helpful - well done - emma:yesyes:

12-01-09, 15:19
Hey Emma thanks for the kind remarks, and very nice to meet you! (well sort of!)

I have been to these classes they provide in hospitals, you know the anxiety talks etc and although i find them great i always tend to feel like i'm talking too much, very outgoing and trying always to be positive - we are not bleedin freaks, we are everyday people from all walks of life just trying to make sense of it all and sadly suffering from a slight problem, we are not mental nor crazy - just normal people with a slight issue - so i always try and be positive, whilst living with something so negative!!

No one will ever really understand unless you suffer, but i wouldn't want anyone to have what i go thru, my Dad for example needs a medal, my Mum is now early 60's and she seems better than she ever has been.

My work side of things Emma is tough, but i get there, unfortunately the stress of it certainly triggers the anxiety so its a vicious circle, but this year, in these hard times for companies like mine i decided to try and chill out more, relax as much as i can, and try and be happy & smile more!! :D

I'm glad i have found this place, i use a PC a lot, so think i'll be on here quite a bit.

Hope ur day is being kind!


12-01-09, 16:35
Hello Derek like you i have a mother who has anxiety problems to name a few i believe some of my anxities stem from here as well as other events that have happened in my life i wish you the best of luck in overcoming your anxieties x

12-01-09, 18:31
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

12-01-09, 20:25
Hi Derek, :)

:welcome: to NMP. It's great that you've joined. There is so much information & help here.

Best wishes :D

12-01-09, 20:56
:welcome: hi and welcome to NMP:)