View Full Version : am i getting there??????

12-01-09, 15:39
hi, ive suffered anxiety depression on n off for a long time, stupildy in october i stopped my antidepressants and beta blockers and cum christmas day i was in an awful state... i started my antidepressants just before xmas so am now going into week 4 on 20mg citalopram and 80mg beta blockers. ive had a really bad few weeks of feeling so low, horrible thoughts thinking there no way out, churning stomach, no sleep, no apetite. these thoughts seem to be ther 24/7 and its the hardest to deal with!!!!! today i just wana to post to say its the 1st time since xmas ive managed to get all my children to school and im so pleased with myself, ive also started writing a diary of my feelings and find this really helps when im in the darkest points. i kept my children of school because ive have a great fear of being alone, it starts all the aniexty....oh my god if i faint theres no one to pick my kids up etc...... which ive started to look at solutions to the problem, of course theres sumone to pick them up, there dad would be called. i am really hoping this is it, im not saying the feelings have gone cause they havent but im hoping im turning a corner....... good luck to everybody out there. there is light xxxxxxx

12-01-09, 15:49
well you have made one positive step by getting the kids to school - think of the positives there alone, they get education, you get peace and quiet or time to do something else!

you seem well aware that you will not faint etc, i don't take any drugs as its not for me, but my positives come from dealing with it rather than looking for that miracle cure, i know whats happening with my body, so trying to be positive and relax will help straight away.

Well done on today, and i do hope that tomorrow is as kind.

One step at a time.


12-01-09, 16:10
hi derek, thanxs for yr reply. u sound very similar to me. im 39 this year and my apnic attacks started when i was 21. do u know why yr panic attacks started ?

12-01-09, 16:23
Yeah i think i do - aside from my Mum being a sufferer.

I was working late one night with about 6 others and a semi-work mate was smoking herb, i had a few drags on it 'to stay in with the crowd' and the next thing i was in hospital, his innocent looking herbal ciggerette was cut with cocaine, i went a bit loopy in hospital - then i have suffered ever since in varying degrees.

i have read many threads on here with replies saying 'you sound like me' - i think that is beacuse the symptoms are always similar so we all relate.

Its hard, but i am doing better than ever just battling with it and trying to be positive, i'm trying to look for the positive in everything & everyone instead of always putting that anxious guard up!!

I believe there is light at the end of this tunnel - but i must find my own way to it as there are too many who don't understand and the health service is too busy to listen...

Sites like this work great i'm sure, as its a place to vent your fellings and help some others.


12-01-09, 16:47
well done for getting the children to school:yesyes: Glad your on the up now.Stay possitive and the light will stay bright. sending you a big hug:bighug1:sue x

12-01-09, 18:32
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx