View Full Version : 18 with Anxiety. Help!

12-01-09, 15:41
Hey all, I just found this site so I thought I'd give it a shot. I really need reassurance.

The past week I've been having what I believe, anxiety attacks. I've only had one once before and I swore to God I was dying. My heart started beating a million miles a sec, and I about dang near lost consciousness a couple of times.
These attacks lately have consisted of the whole "skipped-a-beat" heartbeat irregularity, dizziness/light-headedness, difficulty breathing, and this odd feeling that keeps happening, it can almost be described as dizziness but it's like I've almost "floated" out of my body and feel things differently, if that makes any sense to anyone.

I posted here in hopes of people, who have had these symptoms longer than I, would reply back with suggestions on how to fight this. I've always considered myself a pretty tough guy but with all these symptoms packed together really scare me. Not being able to breathe and dizziness and fast heartbeats are bad enough, but then I've got that stupid skipped-a-beat crap, that just fuels the anxiety even further. I do breathing exercises given to me by some doctor, but that only helps slightly with the heartbeat and breathing. The dizziness still comes and so does the weird out of body feeling.

Any help??

12-01-09, 19:21
All the symptoms you have described are typical anxiety symptoms i suffer with most of them.
I find talking to people helps especially those who can relate to what your experiencing. I also find distracting myself, going for walks etc work.
Speak to you dr about getting some anxiety management help. If you want to talk more pm me. Hope some of what iu said may have helped
Kelz xx

12-01-09, 21:01
:welcome: hi and welcome to NMP:)