View Full Version : first date in 3 years - terrified

12-01-09, 20:20
Hi, I am 26 and my ex broke up with me 5 months ago, it really affected me. I have met this guy, he seems nice and I am supposed to be going on a date with him tomorrow. I have only just started going to the shops again alone, I'm terrified, help!

12-01-09, 22:34
dont worry. dates are horrible but try and act a little not bothered - like play a little hard to get as if you go on loads of dates and its nothing - even though it is. if he asked you or agreed to go on date he must like you so just build on that. sorry thats general dating advice. im 26 and have just broken off my 8 month "seeing each other " thing this week so have been reading up on loads of dating advice.

12-01-09, 23:36
can you take a sedative? (if your really bad)
where are you going for the date?

13-01-09, 10:34
Just some local drinks. If I get that bad I will just leave, don't want to take a sedative and fall asleep on the guy!

13-01-09, 20:04
yeah man dont take a sedative cos if you have a drink youl fall asleep. just think to yourself if any moment i dont like it i can leave theres nothing to make me stay - that thought helps me relax when im at work or cant sleep i think i could just quit.

13-01-09, 20:15
Hope it all goes well for you and you have a really good time.


13-01-09, 22:34
If its any help, I would find it really sweet if my female date was really nervous on a first date.

Don't worry Imagine it will go nowhere, the date that is, and it will go well.


Enjoy and good luck.

13-01-09, 22:41
you will have a great time and remember if you dont feel right you can leave but you will prob be having to much of a nice time to get anxious

14-01-09, 12:26
Hi all,

Thanks for your messages. Well I am not sure about the guy so probably won't see him again however I am very proud of myself, I was nervous but it went well, I had fun and didn't even notice the time.

I feel more confident for next time now, so thanks for your support!