View Full Version : Diabetes or Glucose intolerant?

12-01-09, 21:50

Just wondered if anyone knew the difference between Diabetes and Glucose Intolerance. I currently have Gestational Diabetes and have to test my blood 4 times a day. My levels are always normal (touch wood!) and my fasting glucose level was totally normal. It was only after I had had a glucose drink that my level stayed high after 2 hours.

Any help?

Nikki xx

12-01-09, 23:40
Hi Nikkixx,

I'm going to see if I can help you with this one, since I've been through the whole mess with Gestational Diabetes.

Gestational Diabetes is completely different from non-pregnant diabetes. The difference between glucose intolerance and diabetes is that when you have glucose intolerance, you pancreas still processes glucose but it becomes a bit sluggish. When you have full blown diabetes, your pancreas does not process glucose very well, if not at all.

When I had gestational diabetes with my first pregnancy, I ended up on insulin shots 3 times a day and had to test myself 5-6 times a day. When I had it with my second pregnancy, it was well controlled by diet. I was fine with foods, but when I drank the glucose drink my levels were very high.

I had a diabetes scare after both of my girls were born - my GP thought I had diabetes, but after further testing by an endocrinologist, she found that I wasn't even close to being diabetic! So that was good news - I wasn't even close to being glucose intolerrant either!

Basically when you have gestational diabetes, it means that you are at a higher risk to develop type 2 diabetes later in life. It's not a guarantee, but it's considered a risk factor.

Hope this helps!