View Full Version : Palpitations

13-01-09, 00:12
I have been dealing with this for the past few months. I admit I am scared. When I feel that normal bump, bump and then it stops for a second and then BUMP! I start getting upset, tense, fear that I am going to have a heart attack, I feel like a rush/or extreme heaviness throughout my body then it's over. Until the next strong BUMP.

I usually force myself to sleep during this event. I have had 3 major heart surgeries. The cardiologist has tested me when I have told him about these symptoms. He thinks it's all stress related.

However never the less it scares me and makes me panic.
Hubby is very supportful though it all. But there are times that I just can't deal with it.

Anyone else?

13-01-09, 21:38
Hi hun. I think what you are having are ectopic beats if
the specialist says it is anxiety related. It is really an EARLY beat which makes the space before the next one seem long. Many people have them and you will read about them on this site.Mine started 8 years ago and lasted for 18months and then disappeared. Have them again now but know they will go if I can just ignore them and 'hang on'. Stay strong.

13-01-09, 22:06
I was almost ready to tell my heart doctor to give me something because I just can't handle the stress of that. Sometimes I feel like just out of the blue for no reason other times when I am trying to fall asleep.
