View Full Version : Leg ache!

13-01-09, 00:37
For the past 2 days i've had this weird leg ache! kinda starts at the knee and then goes to the outside of the leg and up to the thigh. It feel like i've exercised it but i haven't!!

I suffer from neck/shoulder tension so my muscles are used to being tense, but i'm not sure it would affect my leg!! Anyone else had this or similar?


Born again worrier!! xxxx

13-01-09, 08:32
wow i have been obessing over the same thing, to be honest i have had this for years but it usually was on and off and usually only happened when i went out in the cold or walked alot, but now my legs seem to start hurting for no reason just like you are describing ..so i am hoping its just linked to my anxitey and constant worrying which tenses up my legs...

i was also wondering if the pain ever radiate towards your back?

13-01-09, 22:55
Hi there, thanks for your response, i get alot of shoulder and neck tension, not so much lower back though. My body constantly has some sort of physical symptoms going on, most of the time from anxiety. If i were a car i would have been on the scrap heap by now!! or recycled into something more useful!!

13-01-09, 23:00
Is it an ache with a heaviness feeling? I had that for a few days, today is has finally let up.

13-01-09, 23:03

Leg ache is quite a common thing to get and nothing to be worried about. You also mentioned neck and shoulder pain. Do you sit in front of a PC for long periods of time? It can be brought on even after an hour or so and is easily got rid of by getting up and moving around .

13-01-09, 23:04
Hi there, it's kinda like an ache where u have been on a bike for an hour cycling!! (which i haven't been) There is a slight heaviness to it, also a little weak too. I can still walk though. The only comfort i get is a hot water bottle and paracetamol!!

13-01-09, 23:09
Yep I think you are describing what I had. I had been feeling that for a few days and then lastnight it got worse. Where it was like frozen like.

Today it's gone. Thankfully.

What about a bath?

13-01-09, 23:17
Yes, funny enough it did feel kinda frozen!!! totally weird feeling. I think a bath would be good, try and relax the muscles :)

Thanks xxx

13-01-09, 23:20
Hugs hun :hugs:

Hubby and myself pinched my leg a few times. He was like wow, I can't believe that you can't feel it? I mean on a scale of one to ten I could feel about a 3. But I know it was panic and anxiety because it went away today. My leg is fine.

My right arm was feeling the same just not as intense as my leg was.

13-01-09, 23:38
I have had the same problem with my arm(s) its like they just ache, and for no reason (apart from anxiety) it comes on sometimes out of the blue!!
The weirdest thing is that sometimes if i drink alcohol (not much either just a glass of wine) it makes it worse!! i have no idea why!!

14-01-09, 00:17
Maybe it's dehydration. Because I remember reading in the symptoms side on the left of the forum that drinking enough water helps and if you don't that can cause those symptoms.

When you drink alcohol it dehydrates your body - so that is probably why it gets worse.

I don't know just speculation.

14-01-09, 00:24
Hi Holly,

I can so relate with what you. The neck & shoulder tension as well, my legs feel like I just ran a marathon. I read somewere that when your body is always under alot of tension the adrenalin gets absorbed into our muscles and it can take some time before it gets released.
Do you feel the tension even when you are not anxious? This makes me crazy!!


14-01-09, 00:26
Great Point Duckie!!

14-01-09, 00:31
Yes good point about dehydration, never thought of that at all. Its always a worry with anxiety ... whats gonna happen to my body next!
I feel tense most days, even when i am not anxious, even today at work, i was feeling "ok" then suddenly i got a head rush and came over feeling light headed!!! that freaked me out, and i couldn't stop thinking about it for the rest of the afternoon, which just made it worse!
So most days i feel trapped and feel like screaming :(