View Full Version : Do I have multiple problems?

13-01-09, 02:11
Hi, I have only just joined so please excuse me if I have not posted this message/thread in the correct area.
I believe I have suffered mind/mental health problems from a very young age. Over the years I have been offered many forms of therapy and medication. I have had diagnosis's of depression and social anxiety.
I have never completed any of the therapy due to either not been able to face getting there or opening the front door. After a while I also became aware I did not actually express how I really felt, and thought what was the point. I absolutely detest taking the medication, and only once managed the required 6 months, but it didn't help anyway.
Besides the depression and social anxiety I have suffered with paranoid/obsessive thoughts on and off since I was in my teens. I'm so concerned with what others think of me and that they think I'm weird. Most nights I lay in bed panicking that someone is breaking into the house. I obsessively see in my mind terrible things happening to my children. I have never told anyone about these thoughts. I know these thoughts are irrational, but they still torment me.
This has been going on for so long now, and I think I'm getting close to not being able to cope anymore or deal with the impact it has on my family.
The thing is I know I need some help quick, but haven't a clue where to get it. Anyone have a suggestion?
Many thanks

13-01-09, 02:19
Sorry, I did divert from the title; I was going to list my symptoms and ask if anyone thought I had been diagnosed correctly. But the above came out.
A classic example of another of my symptoms, no b****y concentration or attention span! ha.