View Full Version : Heart Attack???

13-01-09, 03:03
What are "real" symptoms? How do i know if i'm "really" having one since the pain mimics the real thing? This is Really freaky. I have left shoulder pain, middle of the chest pain/heaviness, tingling in arms and hands, pain also on left side of chest. :wacko:

13-01-09, 03:27
can i add something------DON'T GOOGLE HEART ATTACK! I just did and it didn't help a bit,,,made things worse,,,i know better than that but the urge to do it was too big:weep:

13-01-09, 16:46
I had a heart attack 3 months ago and just knew that the pain wasn't the normal pain I got.

I called 999 and they did an ECG then admitted me to hospital who confirmed I was having a heart attack.

I think you just "know" when it is not right.

Boos Mum
13-01-09, 19:48
I had a heart attack 3 months ago and just knew that the pain wasn't the normal pain I got.

I called 999 and they did an ECG then admitted me to hospital who confirmed I was having a heart attack.

I think you just "know" when it is not right.

I read your story, :hugs: how did you know though it was different? would you advise anyone to ring if its '''different" do you think it was from the chrons?

13-01-09, 21:12
I have had chest pains loads before and mainly on the left hand side by the heart.

This was right in the middle and also my right shoulder was aching.

As I had only been out of hospital (the first time) 2 days following the Crohn's flare-up I guess I thought it was best to get it checked out.

They did not tell me at the time it was a heart attack but when the paramedics arrived they said I really should get it checked out at the hospital. They wouldn't even let me walk down the stairs - I was carried in one of those chairs.

Certainly this pain was not as bad as the pain I have had in the past around the heart area and I guess I just knew it was not the usual pain so needed checking out.

They do not know why I had the heart-attack. It could have been one of many things they said.

I have never called 999 before with chest pain but this time I felt we had to and I was right to do so.

I am not trying to scare people here but trying to explain that I have had chest pain for years and years but this just time it was not something I have had before so decided to get it checked out and I am glad I did.

13-01-09, 21:36
Hi panicagain, Just try and take some deep breaths and try and relax as much as you can, see if you feel abit different. I think the 2 above havent helped the situation but they are rite, if it carries on give your gp a wee call just to make sure your ok. Im sure you are. It could be a panic attack, it can have the same sort of feelings. You know your own body, if dont feel rite get it checked. take care x

13-01-09, 21:42
Hi, ment to add, are you feeling sick, are you breathless? doesn't always come with a heart attack but the patient can get this also. I know a wee bit about medical things. I'm a trained pharmacist. phone the nhs to put your mind at ease x

14-01-09, 04:21
Ok, so now i'm feeling a bit worse(not sure if its cuz of anxiety or reading about the heart attack experience),,, my dr won't do another ekg on me cuz she doesn't believe its necessary, she's sure its anxiety but its been a year since i've had an ekg! How long can you be having a heart attack? I've been having the pain for 2 days now, can you have a heart attack for 2 days? Dr's around here are pretty weird when it comes to anxiety, they wont just give you a test to make you feel better they hafta really think its necessary. I'm not really having any other symptoms like feeling sick or breathless. Just Totally Scared:weep:

14-01-09, 07:09
You are not having a heart attack and having 100 test wont convince you. The only way to overcome this is to accept that you are ok and any test you had shows you that you are ok.

I know you feel scared and it is a terrible feeling and the thoughts just keep adding to it. Believe me I have had these thoughts and these pains but its nothing more than thoughts and feelings

and if you google again I will send 8 dwarfs with bad dress sense and custard pies to your door

Please trust what others have said to you


14-01-09, 07:12
Hi panicagain, remember that Nicola has a chronic illness (Crohns disease) which is known to increase the risk of blood clots. I'm not saying that Nicola had a heart attack because of her Crohns because, obviously, I don't know that, but it is almost certainly a factor given her young age.

Please try to think about the reassurance that your doctor has given you. Your doctor is so sure that she has refused to give you an EKG, which she absolutely would not do if she thought that you were at the smallest risk of a heart problem - particularly in the States because of the rate of medical litigation. She must be sure, she wouldn't risk a law suit.

14-01-09, 11:51
and if you google again I will send 8 dwarfs with bad dress sense and custard pies to your door

:roflmao: Thats the first good laugh i've had in days since these pains started. (thanks)

Thanks everyone, i wish i could say i feel better but the pains are still here,,,i'm gonna try to distract myself today and see if that helps. Your all so sweet:hugs:

Adam Thompson
14-01-09, 13:56
ive suffered with heart attzck symptoms for two years, they tend to go in cycles, like i `ll have a bad attack then they go on for a few months, then i forget about them, then they come back a few months later, ive had a few tests come back fine.

i get a sudden stabbing pains which terrifies me i then sweat, go pale and generally panic. see thing is i dont know if its the pain causing me to get these symptoms or becuse im panicking about the pain.

14-01-09, 14:07
Sorry you are feeling so bad - i am also going thorughthe fears of "what if!!!!!!" so scary:weep:
i copied this bit from "symptoms" in Main Menu.
One of the most worrying symptoms is chest pains or a tight feeling in your chest. The immediate thought is "heart attack" or "stroke" and this only worries you more. You may also notice that your heartbeat is incredibly fast or irregular at times having palpitations and again this leads to the worry that you will have a heart attack.

Often the chest muscles may feel very tight, and sometimes they can become painful if they are tight enough to spasm. Because the individual may become concerned that they may be having a heart attack, their fear will add to the stress biology which can not only worsen the pain, but can produce other symptoms similar to a heart attack such as profuse sweating, light-headedness and numbness in the arms, feet or face. These increased symptoms can also cause more fear which then can turn into a panic attack This is the main problem - fear of the unknown:ohmy:
Best wishes