View Full Version : Who worries that a "real" symptom is gonna be mistaken for anxiety?

13-01-09, 03:11
This Is My Biggest Worry! I worry that i'm gonna mistake a "real" symptom for anxiety all the time:weep: I'm sure there's more of us like this. How do you deal with it? I need some way to figure out how to deal with it:unsure:

13-01-09, 06:53
Hi there...

I am always worried about it also... I believe doctors don't care to diagnose or look closely and see if there is something wrong with me..............
The way I found to manage this is taking care of my health and make sure I don't get stressed out... a therapist is helpful too.....

13-01-09, 13:38
Yes I do and that's why I never go to the doctors when I have symptoms, also I don't want to know if I've got something bad.

13-01-09, 15:49
I'm the same i dread going to the drs incase it's my anxiety so i tend not to go for of wasting their time the only time i will go is when my hubby nags me.

13-03-09, 02:45
I think the same thing.....but I tell myself that it's all in my head and I laugh at myself. It usually goes away soon after.

13-03-09, 03:02
I'm the same (infact thats exactly what i said to my health care therapist today) The way i've come dealing with it is to push the symptoms aside for a minute and ask myself if i really think i have whatever i think i've got. I tend to do this when it's quite i close my eyes and listen to my gut feeling. I think we all know deep down if it's something serious. It doesn't stop it completely but it helps at that moment in time

13-03-09, 03:43
yeah i just try to take care of myself, do the regular tests and dr's appointments .. and just ride out my symptoms because after awhile i can sort of tell what's anxiety.

13-03-09, 17:42
I have this too So I am just really honest with my doctor and say that I dont want to put everything down to anxiety just in case its not and asked her if she could see my concern. She agreed we musnt put everything down to anxiety and if there are any symptoms I want looking at further she will carry out tests.

I think just be honest, dont worry about taking up too much of their time if you have a genuine concern or reason to believe there is something wrong with your body, its what we pay our taxes for!


13-03-09, 20:02

I agree with what "snowdrop" has said. Any doctor worth their salt will listen to your concerns and then decide if anything requires further investigation.

Most of us can tell when it is anxiety or not, but there are times when we are maybe not so sure, or the anxiety gets the better of us and we end up at our GP's feeling guilty. You shouldn't! Most doctors would rather spend 5mins of reassurance with you, rather than have one of their patients go through weeks of worry over nothing.

13-03-09, 22:04
That's what I'm going through now. I know my doctors believe what I'm going through is real, and they've done plenty to try and make me feel better. No matter how deep my concerns are, though, I still wonder if I'm being dismissed as "just anxious," and that's why they don't want to pursue anything further (speaking more for my neurologist, really). I'm always worried that, just in general, people don't take me seriously because of my anxiety.

I say trust your instincts and be persistent if you're concerned about something. I'm fortunate to have found a GP that repeatedly tells me his door is open, he doesn't think I'm being ridiculous, and he'll always be there to help me out. As long as I can pay him, of course. Which I can't right now. But once I can... I'm going to continue pleading my case until I'm sure everything's okay. Which, in my opinion, we all have a right to do, health anxiety or not.

30-03-09, 14:18
Hello all,

I sometimes find it is a good idea to notice which symptoms of mine flare up with my anxiety, then you can usually tell that that is what is causing them, also coming on here and seeing what everyone else suffers with is handy as it reassures you you are not the only one worrying about it, and not the only one suffering with it,

Danny xxx

24-09-09, 18:33
It's definitely a viscous cycle. As an American, I have health coverage but only for things like emergency room visits. When I was in school I would go to the free health clinic for every little thing, and it was always something very innocuous that my anxiety had caused to balloon into something terrible and fatal in my mind.

Now that I can't afford to go to the Dr. for every little thing, I worry about every little thing, then try to convince myself it's just anxiety, and then worry further that by convincing myself whatever I'm worried about is just anxiety-driven, I'm actually ignoring something potentially harmful/fatal and when I finally DO get it checked out they'll say "if only we'd caught this sooner." That of course makes my anxiety even worse, which makes whatever anxiety-driven symptoms I'm having get worse too.

And so it goes.

24-09-09, 19:20
I understand the feeling. I dont deal with it though. I just worry and worry and worry. People think I'm crazy.

04-05-10, 19:58
having anxiety is so confusing and at time an all consuming passion. I too constantly fret over every single ache pain and sensation. it is so hard to see the wood from the trees when your in the throwes of panic. its actually more than panic it is fear, well in my case it is anyway. it begins with a sensation lets say a weakness in your arm, i get this quite often, then i notice that my chest which usually feels tight now feels tighter. i begin to sweat and i notice aches in my back. now the fear begins, this is the big one, this is a heart problem. the moments pass, the anxiety lifts, and life goes on. but life goes on in fear of this happening again. its like you climb a mountain, find safety in a valley only to see another mountain in the distance. it is so hard to let go.

Going home
04-05-10, 21:19
I think the nature of anxiety is that we think every symptom is a real one! Its up to the doctors really to pick up on anything that might be the real thing and not just anxiety.

Anna :)

01-06-10, 06:57
I can most definitely relate with this particular post. I always worry that my clicking throat/neck pains issue is not anxiety related but something terrible like permanent or progressive damage or illness of somekind.

I believe this is an interesting OCD type of component which plagues many with health related anxieties. This is what makes hypochondria issues so hard to deal with and treat at times...it has so many layers, and besides general anxiety/panic symptoms, it can be so unique to each person who suffers from it.

Being a victim of this problem, my prayers, empathy, and meditations go out to y'all, and I thank you for your support as well. Hugs to all. Namaste. :hugs::shades:

20-11-19, 18:42
I worry about this. I assume every physical symptom I have is anxiety related. I hope I am not missing serious warning signs because of that.