View Full Version : anyone else have this problem??

13-01-09, 09:16
Hi I just wondered if anyone else who suffers with panic/anxiety attacks has problems with their throat,I feel like my throat feels tight,lump in it and also sometimes i get a very sharp scratching feeling there as well,like something is stuck. I did have it just b4 xmas but it went,also went to doctors to get it checked he said it wasnt anytrhing stuff(was worried something had lodged!) cause if would off got worse and worse. Anyway havent had the sharp feeling for about 2-3wks then yest got some very bad news that my nanna had died and about an hour after finding out,none stop crying,the sharpness came back in my throat. I rang and spoke to my doctor who said that the scratching/sharp feeling could be very much linked to stress/anxiety. Anyway I just wanted to know if anyone else experiences this syptoms with their anxiety/panic/stress. Thanks Leah xxx:)

13-01-09, 10:23
Hi Leah

Firstly I am so sorry to hear about your nanna you will understandably be feeling more anxious. It is very common to have a tight throat/lump in your throat when you are feeling anxious. It is just the tension making your muscles tighten. Alot of people also get a dry mouth and I sometimes get a tickly cough. Try not to worry it is just another of those anxiety symptoms and very very common. It is also not surprising at all that it came back when you recieved such shocking news.

Also some people including me often find it hard to swallow and even get food past their throat. This is all part of the same thing. Try not to focus on it and it should lessen.
