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View Full Version : Taking the first steps to getting help.....

13-01-09, 12:05
Firstly I’d like to say hello to everyone, found the site very informative and decided to post about myself and see where it leads. Hopefully it’ll provide me with some useful information about what I’m currently feeling.

I’m going to cut a long story short, basically met a new girl about a year ago she is very good at looking into what makes someone tick and even from the start of the relationship, even though she never mentioned at the time (being polite I guess) she noticed I was very nervous. Our first kiss was very overwhelming, and over the past few months I’ve had feelings in my stomach that some would think as being in love.

Sadly, the feelings of nausea and palpitations are nothing new to me, I get them all the time. I’ve just learnt to live with it. However the feeling of being sick and worry is now getting worse and worse, perhaps because this is the first time I've had a relationship and its something new, and I will admit this is perhaps the worse I’ve ever felt. At 35 I’ve had ups and downs, however I’ve now taken the step to try and find out what the cause of this might be. Yes 35, I am a bit of a late bloomer, but then I tend to shy away from something new at first, as I tend to be cautious and not rush into anything….. not to say I never do anything..!! I’m just shy.

My girlfriend is being very supportive. She isn’t putting ideas into my head, but she likes me to talk about the fears I have so as she can then help me to get it out in the open at it were, and not dwell on what I’m thinking, and at times this does help.

I’ve been to see my doctor, and my doctor prescribed me anti sickness tablets. Buccastem. Sadly these haven’t done anything, in fact I’m now consistently having feelings of nausea, and two weeks ago I lost the ability to breath correctly, and felt the entire room around me was closing in and I just felt like I was trapped. My girlfriend believes this was a panic attack, and it was very embarrassing as even though I’ve had palpitations before, this time I struggled to breath it was very strong and ever since this happened I’ve not been the same.

Its almost like I’m waiting for this to happen again, but I don’t know what triggered it or why I was sitting in bed, then all of a sudden I couldn’t breath correctly. I’ve slept on the couch for a few nights to avoid it happening again, much to the annoyance of my girlfriend however I’ve overcome this as she changed the bed cover colours.!!!?? Odd eh? I worry about everything in life, I’m always being told in jest that the reason I can eat and not put on weight is because I worry all my weight away…. Many a true statement said in jest..!!

I have another appointment with the doctors where I’ll explain what has happened, and we’ll take it from there. I’m just confused as to what my next step is, as I don’t like the feeling of intense sickness all the time, I don’t like the idea I might be short of breath again and I just want to get on with making my life with a girl who cares a lot for me. I worry too much, and the anxious feelings aren’t helping, as its taking hold of me more and more and not allowing me to move on…. Its hard to explain, it’s a burden I would like to help myself to rid therefore I’ll do whatever it takes.

I don’t know how to approach what I’m feeling so I’m hoping members on here can at least point me in the right direction as I’m fairly resourceful, so I’m sure if I’m positive I will at least reduce the feelings of worry and even better remove the stomach pains I’ve lived with for so long once and for all….

Thanks for reading, I could have posted a lot more however enough of my troubles, I just wanted to talk as it does help me. It has taken me a lot of courage to post this up, its taken courage to talk to a doctor..!!

13-01-09, 13:47
Good for you for seeking help. This site is full of information and great people who are going through or have gone through what you are going through. It sounds as though you have found a nice person who is supportive which is a good thing for someone with anxiety attacks. BTreathing properly is a big problem for alot of people with anxiety. It is very scary to feel as though you cant breathe. Try breathing to a count of seven. Deep breathe in to 7 hold for a sec and then release to seven. It takes a while to get the hang of it, but you can do it. Losing weight is also normal for anxiety because we have more adrenalin running through our bodies than the "average person". Take the advice your doctor gives you if you feel comfortable with it. You can find alot of info for just about anything that you may have a question about. Take care honey and I hope everything goes well for you.:hugs:

13-01-09, 18:30
Hi iv,

I can totally sympathise with the constant nausea as I had/have this as my main anxiety symptom and it is very common amongst anxiety sufferers. I was given anti-emetics and they did not work for me either, but I realise now that it is because the nausea is caused by excess adrenaline in your system (hence your breathing problems and panic attack) and until the adrenaline is reduced, the nausea remains.

I can give you some hope with the nausea though, mine eventually died away when my anxiety decreased and even when the feeling was at it's peak (very hard to cope with), you manage, you find a way to get through it. Just remind yourself that it is only adrenaline and eventually it will ease, there is hope.

I would advise you to read all the articles on this site, they are very informative and helpful. You need to find ways to relax, it sounds so simple and it is, but that really is the answer to this condition. Obviously, it is alot harder to put relaxtion into action when you are very uptight and it will take time, but you can do it. Make sure you have a healthy diet and I would recommend you cut out caffiene if you can, as it makes anxiety and panic worse.

Hopefully your Dr will be helpful and should be able to offer you further information and treatment.

Just know that you are not alone and you will not feel like this for ever. I wish you good luck, whatever action you decide to take.

16-01-09, 09:40
Thank you all for the replies. I’ve read so much information on this site and I intend to try and put some suggestions into practice.

Since my last post I’ve been to see my doctor, and he’s basically agreed that the anti-sickness tablets first prescribed haven’t worked, and he now believes treatment with betablockers for anxiety will help. I’ve been prescribed 80mg Propranolol (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/forumdisplay.php?f=50), taken once in the morning and another higher dosage sickness course metolopramide 10mg.

Just thinking about taking these is making my heart race. My current logic though is that if the doc didn’t think I needed the medication he wouldn’t give it to me, so guess I’ll start the medication and hope for the best….

Lets see how it goes…. Thanks all.