View Full Version : fed up with night sweats

13-01-09, 12:45
hi everyone do any of you suffer with really bad night sweats and day time mine seem to be really bad at night they keep me awake and when i get to hot i start to panic as they make me feel so ill has anyone else suffer lke this i just vfeel so drained most days anyone got any ideas how to get rid of them thanks lin x

13-01-09, 16:11
hi everyone do any of you suffer with really bad night sweats and day time mine seem to be really bad at night they keep me awake and when i get to hot i start to panic as they make me feel so ill has anyone else suffer lke this i just vfeel so drained most days anyone got any ideas how to get rid of them thanks lin x

Hi, Lin :)

I don't suffer from night sweats YET but I do suffer from hot flashes that make me sweat during the day and they make me panicky.

Are you going through menopause by any chance? Sorry if that's too personal of a question but I know that night sweats is one of the main symptoms of menopause.

I found an article on hormonal imbalance and how a lot women start going through panic attacks, or, if they're already suffering from panic attacks, menopause or perimenopause can enhance the disorder.

Hope you start feeling better!


13-01-09, 18:02
There are nights I wake up and I am completely soaked. My shirt. I have to get up and take a shower and get cleaned up.

I am there for ya, I know how it feels. As to getting rid of them. Been experiencing this for over six months.

13-01-09, 20:07

The past few nites i have been waking up in the morning sweating.

my anx has been really bad past few days so im putting it down to that

love mandie x

14-01-09, 20:58
Hi Lin,

I went years with night sweats and it was hormonal. What helped me is I layed 3 or 4 sets of pj's out on the floor with a towel underneath them. I also put a towel underneath me on my sheet. When I awoke sopping wet I just got right out of bed grabbed the towel on the floor, dryed off and changed to another set of pj's. My night sweats were not stinky almost like I was breaking a fever. I would go through this routine the entire night, but it helped me just standing at the site of my bed and not rummaging through my entire bedroom. Yes, I was very tired the next day but it almost seemed like I got used to it. The only thing that I ever tried and helped some was something called Wild Yam Cream that I found at a health food store. I was never on hormone treatments or the pill. I hope this helps and that yours stop soon.

Take care,


14-01-09, 20:59
I am going to try that.

15-01-09, 15:31
I get the night sweats too, almost every night. Even if its a really really cold night (like it has been a lot lately) i can wake up and my hair is clamped to my head and my pj's are literally stuck to me.

I might give the Yam cream a try too :)

17-01-09, 00:46
Yes No Offence I Am Not Sure You Are A Male Or Female But I Am A Female And I Do Have Really Bad Night Sweats That Wake Me Up Out Of My Sleep The First Time That It Happened I Woke Up And Thought I Had An Accident No Joke Bc I Never Sweat, The Sweat Was All Over My Back In The Bed Legs Arms You Name It. I Do Notice That I Get Sweats Around The Time That My Period Is Coming On. Hope This Helps