View Full Version : so down

13-01-09, 12:48
i feel like i shouldnt be a mum i am so crap

my baby had just come out of hospital on tue with his 2nd bout of cellulitis in 6 months, then yesterday he fell off his changing unit - i thought he was crawling funny so i took him to be checked out and turns out he has broken his wrist and is now in plaster

i am such a bad mum - im not even fishing for compliments for people to say i am as i know im crap - :weep:

13-01-09, 13:08
hi kids get poorly and have accidents all the time so try not to be so hard on yourself. the fact you took your baby to get checked out after his fall shows your a good mum who cares for her child if you were a bad mum you would have left it and not noticed something was wrong.

13-01-09, 14:03
Aww don't say that, you're not a crap mum at all. Kids have accidents all the time and it can't be helped sometimes.