View Full Version : va va voom!!

05-07-05, 19:10
bit of a personal question really - but how do you get the va va voom back in your relationship!!
i've been on efexor xr for nearly 4 months now and still dont have any sexual desire at all! i feel so bad for my hubby, he has been so supportive but I dont want him to have to please himself!!


"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

05-07-05, 19:45

Sorry to hear this.

Not sure what your orientations are like - romance or DVD watching lol - but what about a lovely romantic evening and pampering him with a massage etc and that may help you get in the mood too.

Alternatively there are some tasteful DVD's that you can watch if you fancy that!


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

05-07-05, 20:27
aaaawwww Lisa I had the same problem when on meds. I have been off them for 4 months and sex drive has only just started to come back and very slowly at that..It takes a lot more effort I think..romantic evenings, massages, candles, music and yes, even DVDs LOL :D

"Life is too important to take seriously" Corky Siegal

06-07-05, 21:40
If its any consolation Lisa, I'm having the same problem!![:I]
My fella's not very patient though, goes into a sulk on a regular basis!
No advice for you I'm afraid, but let me know if you discover some miraculous potion or cure!;)


06-07-05, 23:11
hey, im on Effexor XL its ironic cause it sounds like its some kind of viagra! lol

07-07-05, 14:55
SSRI anti-depressants are known to reduce sex drive and stop or inhibit orgasm/ejaculation. [xx(]

I'm stopping mine as soon as I am able to. The sex drive is there but its slowed down the "pay-off".

How to get the desire back? Well, buy some tasteful but sexy underwear/nightwear, massage and aromatherapy oil. Watch sexy DVDs together and alone. Light lots of pretty candles, buy white cotton linen. Tell each other what you would like to do to each other, and what you *may* have been doing to yourself. Drive out into the countryside at night and make love in the open air. Oh I could go on... :D

BTW, most, if not all men masturbate, and most women too. Even those in a relationship.

Blue -
"Your truth is better for you than someone else's. Just get to know what it is, so you can finally own it, and speak it."

08-07-05, 02:36
Hey Lis,

I would highly recommend a trip to Hawaii;)

But obviously this isn't a very realistic trip to make. Perhaps you and the hubby could get away for a weekend somewhere special?

I also have the decreased desire (well, none, actually), as well as the pay-off as bluebottle said! I'll be completely honest here and say that when my bf approaches me, I never am in the mood, but if I go along with it, I'm usually interested fairly quickly. So although I hate to say this, maybe just make yourself even if you're not in the mood...and enjoy the ride!

If anyone has better ideas than this, let us know!


~Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage~ Anais Nin

08-07-05, 03:38
Like all the rest of the reply's its a side effect of the a-d's!

what would you rather do feel better or the other(LOL)! I would pick feel better... Sex can wait...


08-07-05, 20:50
lisaD - i'll give it a go and let you know what happens.. maybe not tonight though i'm knackered and with a few glasses of red i'll be passed out soon!
big hugs,
p.s. hawaii would be nice!

"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

07-02-07, 12:53
Hi There

I sympathise Lisa

I have been too embarressed to discuss this with my GP I have been on and off Cipranalol (very good by the way for panic attacks). My sex drive flies out the window every time I grab them when I feel paniky! Must have, must have them feeling! Then when I have calmed down I come off the tabs and the heavy as lead no sex drive feeling goes away and organsims are good again. Searching for success stories on this web site and tipd ie has anyone managed to switch off! panic attacks - just so sick of mine - started 8 years ago.