View Full Version : Fear

13-01-09, 15:19
I know suffer from PTSD because of my past.

I get all tense up, I can't sleep at night, I get panic attacks, flashbacks, I don't trust anyone. I am very careful what I say concerning anything related to my children. I don't like anyone knowing anything about my private life.

I don't think I can go into detail.

But I live every day watching over my back.

Anyone else?

14-01-09, 19:30
Hi Duckie,

I am sorry that you have to suffer the trials of PTSD. There is little else I can reply to your post other than send you a hug.


08-02-09, 20:46
Hi Duckie (hi Leanne),

I know just how you feel. I'm not sure the feeling ever goes away. The only thing I can say is that you probably feel worse for it, and that you will find that others aren't aware of how you feel.......I think once you have been in a life threatening situation (what ever it may be...car crash...operation....abuse ec), then your body (and mind) tries to protect you by keeping you on "high alert" all the time. Unfortunately, I think it's trying to help you out, but being on alert all the time is draining.......I tried sertraline (quite a low dose) for a while. Took a little getting used to, but made me feel a lot less jumpy and more stable.....it was nice to have a rest for a while without having to look over my shoulder all the time.

Just remember that whatever the cause of your PTSD, that we are all friends here, so if we can help - please just ask. It's always better to share.

All the best,


08-02-09, 21:10
I can relate to how you feel ((hugs))

08-02-09, 21:27
Yes Duckie. I too have flashbacks and nightmares and they are horrible.

Sending you some hugs :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Karen xx