View Full Version : Does anyone know about allergies?

05-07-05, 20:57
Hi all,

Does anyone know anything about allergy symptoms?

I have been suffering alot of different symptoms which I think could be food allergies or soemthing other type of allergy. Today in particular I felt itchy all over but in particular my head and face... I am wondering if it has something to do with certain foods I am eating. My head felt all fuzzy and weird like cotton wool was in it and just so itchy and I felt a little dizzy... Is this an allergy symptom or hayfever or something else? Would allergy pills help or soemthing else?

I have been tested for food intolerances and I do have a wheat and lactose intolerance and borderline gluten along with other things too. I ate some oatcakes and cheese last night which honestly has been the 1st in so long and I wondering if this is what has caused it? I also had the same oatcakes today but with bannana?

Does anyone else get these symptoms? I am losing patience with these symptoms and dont know what to eat anymore?



05-07-05, 21:06

I get itchy a lot - drives me mad at night in bed. I assumed it was cos I was hot or something but sometimes it comes on when I am not hot.

An anti-histamine usually calms mine down but I never did find out what it was that caused it.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

05-07-05, 21:09
I am not good at taking medication... a 'fear' of mine but I am assuming anti-histamine tablets are ok to take and have no side-effects?


05-07-05, 21:13

I hate medication too but they are one thing that have never upset me physically or caused any panic.

I take Zirtek on the doctor's recommendation as he thought they were best for my insect bites and itching. There are cheaper ones available however. The only ones I can't take are Benadryl cos of interaction with blood pressure meds.

You may want to run it by the pharmacist and explain the symptoms and what other meds etc you are on (I assume none).


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

05-07-05, 21:18
Thanks Nicola,

I will go to the pharmacy tommorrow and see what they say is best... I am not on any other meds but I really need to start to get something for the Post nasal drip as I have had it since Decmeber and its not going away... a definite food intolerance problem. All my GP is gave me is a nasal spray which gives me a real horrible taste in mouth and headaches.



05-07-05, 21:21
Hmmm doesn't sound like much fun for you mate.

I Hope you can sort this thing out cos the itching drives me mad too but I never even thought of food allergies.

Mine seems to have calmed down recently too so must have been one of those things that you get for a while then it goes.

Hope you can sort yours out too.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

05-07-05, 21:22
all this talk about itching is making me SOOOOO itchy!! LOL



06-07-05, 02:33
Hey Sadie,

I have loads of allergies (i.e. plants, animals, raw fruit and veg, hazelnuts) and can sympathize with the itching. I tried the nasal spray too and hated it. I usually just suffer but when it's really bad (ragweed season) I take a daily anti-histamine (Reactine or Claritin) with no side-effects. To rid yourself of the post nasal drip you may need one with a decongestant, which can have side effects like dry mouth and fatigue.

A cool, wet face cloth helps a lot when you can't stop scratching, especially around the eyes.

Hope your trip to the pharmacy ends in some relief! I'd be curious to know how it works out.


06-07-05, 02:38
Hey Sadie,

I have loads of allergies (i.e. plants, animals, raw fruit and veg, hazelnuts) and can sympathize with the itching. I tried the nasal spray too and hated it. I usually just suffer but when it's really bad (ragweed season) I take a daily anti-histamine (Reactine or Claritin) with no side-effects. To rid yourself of the post nasal drip you may need one with a decongestant, which can have side effects like dry mouth and fatigue.

A cool, wet face cloth helps a lot when you can't stop scratching, especially around the eyes.

Hope your trip to the pharmacy ends in some relief! I'd be curious to know how it works out.


06-07-05, 02:39
Sorry! Don't know why that posted twice LOL
