View Full Version : Neck Pain

13-01-09, 16:54
My neck has been increasingly painful over the last week or so. It has hurt a bit on and off for months, but now since Friday it has been almost constant.
I am worried this is a bran tumour linked with all my other symptoms. People say I shouldn't put my symptoms altogether, but I'm not sure how not to do that. I can move it around fine, but it hurts when I move it to the right, move it backwards or forwards.........
Do you think this is part of the tumour?

13-01-09, 18:03
My neck has been increasingly painful over the last week or so. It has hurt a bit on and off for months, but now since Friday it has been almost constant.
I am worried this is a bran tumour linked with all my other symptoms. People say I shouldn't put my symptoms altogether, but I'm not sure how not to do that. I can move it around fine, but it hurts when I move it to the right, move it backwards or forwards.........
Do you think this is part of the tumour?


14-01-09, 09:23
Still there, really aching and painful. Think I had better go back to the docs. I think it could be a facial nerve schwaomma or a posterior fossa tumour. I am not functioning like a normal person. It feels like my life is on hold.

14-01-09, 11:55
Oh god why did I google this!!

I have had a bad neck for years but recently have got a numbness/swollen feeling on the right side of my face.

This has just made me feel worse!!

14-01-09, 14:14
Still there, really aching and painful. Think I had better go back to the docs. I think it could be a facial nerve schwaomma or a posterior fossa tumour. I am not functioning like a normal person. It feels like my life is on hold.

I thought you were going to ask for an MRI?

14-01-09, 14:46
You should ask for an MRI and that will show if there is anything at all wrong in your head or neck etc and put your mind at ease

14-01-09, 17:48
Thanks both, am waiting for my blood test results as the gp said to back then, and then I will ask about the MRI. I try and pace myself or I'd be there every day. They haven't looked at two of the results yet. Hopefully tomorrow.


14-01-09, 20:39

If your blood tests and MRI come back normal I would invest in a good pillow and I'm not trying to be funny here. My neck hurt insanely until I invested in a good pillow. It would tighten up just like yours and I could not even move it some days, I would even have to get massages and it would not help. Good support when you sleep is essential. I believe you will get normal results and hope your pain goes away.

Take care,


14-01-09, 22:55

Carrying on with Southern Belle's point, it may even just be some sort of neck pain from sitting in front of a PC for periods of time.

15-01-09, 08:24
Thanks both, am waiting for my blood test results as the gp said to back then, and then I will ask about the MRI. I try and pace myself or I'd be there every day. They haven't looked at two of the results yet. Hopefully tomorrow.


When the MRI comes back as normal you must believe it otherwise there is no point in having it done.:)

15-01-09, 18:26
Hi All

Good point Trixie!!!

Got B12 back - Abnormal
Thyroid - TSH levels too high

Got to have them retested.

Spoke to the doc about MRi and she was of a similar opinion to people here, if it will put my mind at rest, have one - but then that's it, no more negative thoughts (unless there is something wrong) and I have to move on.

She didn't seem interested in the painful neck.... didn't look at it...

15-01-09, 19:59
I am relate, my neck was so bad. I couldn't move it up or down or side to side. It hurt like that for about a week. I was seriousily scared. Turns out yes it was the way I was sleeping and it was the pillow I was using.

I make sure I am all comfortable when I am going to bed, and if I am all crunch up in bed in an uncomfortable position during the night I make sure I get comfortable again.

17-01-09, 22:04
The thyroid result, does this point to a piyuitary tumour, they are now going to test more hormones, could a pituitary tumour cause facial pain??

18-01-09, 00:57
This was one of my health anxieties.
First I thought I had a tumour, then I thought I was going to be a hunch back.. Don't ask lol.

All mine is, is the muscles in my neck tightening up and causing me pain - And tension headaches (Which obviously fueled my tumour anxiety) I didn't have any tests or anything done.
I just changed my posture and things, and it's easing alot now. Definatley not a tumour.

It's really probably just your anxiety making you think this. There can be loads of reasons for a painful neck, and it's obviously your anxiety making you think of a tumour straight away?

Also, stress can cause TSH levels to rise.. So can sleep deprivation. So it could all be down to your anxiety.

Try calm down [: And trust the doctors they know what they're doing.

18-01-09, 21:43
Oh god why did I google this!!

I have had a bad neck for years but recently have got a numbness/swollen feeling on the right side of my face.

This has just made me feel worse!!

I went to Docs on Thursday and they were at a loss as to what it was...so they sent me straight up the hospital..this scared the life out of me but I went to the maxofacial unit and the gave me a xray and said I had a decaying tooth and to book an emergency dentist appointment..

Went to the dentist Friday and she said my teeth are fine but I do have wisdom teeth coming through and that is what is causing the numb feeling.

Problem solved...as soon as they told me I felt a wave of relief and now feel much much better..Powerful tool the mind..

My neck is completely separate and comes from sitting to long and in the wrong position at my work computer!!

Boy is my face red :blush:

22-01-09, 19:54
Rang up the docs to get my blood test results and they want me to go in as one of them was abnormal again, so I don't know whether it's thyroid abnormal or B12. V Worried....

24-01-09, 11:32
My neck is continuing to hurt and I am worried the gp hasn't looked at it. The back of my neck in the middle really hurts, lots of pain, when I turn left it hurts too. It doesn't feel muscular though.....

24-01-09, 11:33
The thyroid results were ok, but B12 low. If the thyroid tests were ok, does that mean a pituitary tumour is unlikely???