View Full Version : Having a bit of a wobble!

13-01-09, 20:03
Hey all, having a bit of a wobble :weep:

Since saturday night ive been having serious problems with my chest/breathing At times it feels as though my chest is really really VERY tight and heavy (as though no matter how hard i try to breathe not enough air can get in). Other times it feels as though I am out of breath and have to breathe relatively quickly and VERY shallowly. I am constantly aware of my breathing and am very scared something is wrong i.e lung cancer or asthma. I have neer been asthematic so im trying to tell myself its not that but im just sitting here sobbing thinking my lungs/chest are going to conk out on me and I will stop breathing!?!

I cant get to the doctors as I am on my final teaching placement and dont get home till after the docs shut which is FREAKING me out as I am feeling traped in my own body with no way of help. I am eeing the cardiologist tomo about an operation to sort out my SVT by burning the extra pathway. I might just pounce on him to check me out

eeeek - im in a bad place at the mo - school was hell today :(

My boyfriend is demanding he takes me out tonight to distract me but i just feel so short of breath

Hope everyone is ok

Sorry for rambling on (and potential spelling mistakes)

Cazz x

14-01-09, 01:38
Hey Cazz, I'm sorry that you are feeling so awful, it really sucks sometimes doesn't it.

Anyway, I totally understand where you are coming from, I suffer from chest problems a lot with my anxiety. It seems to go in kinda 3 month waves. My symptoms include really tight chest, I feel like I can't move sometimes! Trouble breathing which makes me feel faint and dizzy.

You won't stop breathing - I promise! It's just your anxiety and you are not alone. Your body isn't trapping you, your anxiety is and it will pass.

Do you have any breathing exercises you can try? I try breathing from my belly button rather than my chest. Also try to breathe as silently as possible rather than taking deep heavy breaths.

Also check my body posture. I find that when I am anxious I automatically curl up into a ball shape, thus putting pressure on my chest and tightening my muscles which adds to the feeling of breathlessness.

Do you speak to your boyfriend at all about your anxiety?

Hope things get better
