View Full Version : Need to go to the doctor....panicking!!!

13-01-09, 20:45
Hi everyone! I'm hoping that you can help me out. I stopped in at my doctor's office today to pick up some medication for my father. While I was there, I asked if I could get a new prescription for Xanax, since my current prescription expired in December. I told them that I only used about 3 pills out of a 30 day supply and they sat there for an entire year before they expired (I don't like taking medication and I don't feel the need for it, unless I have to go for a doctor's appointment). The girl told me that she would check with the doctor and get back to me.

She called this afternoon and told me that the doctor wanted me to come in for a follow up visit before he would prescribe me any more medication. It was for a mini-physical. I'm absolutely terrified to go! The last time I was there for a sinus infection, they sent my to the hospital by ambulance for a fast heart rate! My blood pressure was 142/82 (very good for me considering the circumstances) and my pulse rate was 94. But the nurse felt a skipped beat when checking my pulse and pulled out the EKG machine. It was all downhill from there. My pulse was between 148 and 150 and the doc consulted with a cardiologist who wanted me to go to the hospital for an echo. So I was sent by ambulance to the hospital, straight from the doctors office!! When all was said and done, the hospital diagnosed me with anxiety and I haven't been back to my GP since.

I know that I should go for this appointment if I want my Xanax refill, but I'm absolutely terrified! I'm panicking as I'm typing this and experiencing skipped beats with what seems like every other heart beat!! I don't know how I'm going to get through this.....can somebody help me??? If I could just relax, all of my test results at the doctors office would be normal and I'd have nothing to worry about! Distraction and breathing techniques just don't work for me. Please help!! I can't go to the doctor's like this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

13-01-09, 21:28
Hello NervousNellie,

I totally understand how anxious you must be feeling about going back to the doctor - but try to reassure yourself the problem you had with your heart rate the last time you were there was all down to anxiety, and this will be noted on your medical notes, so the doctor will realise this is anxiety related, and they will understand.

13-01-09, 21:32
Hi ya,

Firstly, I would just like to say that I get really nervouse when I go to the docs so your definitely not alone. I've been trying to pluck up the courage to see my doc about something for a few weeks now!!

It sounds like you had a pretty traumatic experience and its quite understandable that you are terrified - I would have been too if I was carted off by ambulance to the hospital!

I went to the hospital with a pulse of 140 but like you, they said it was anxiety and sent me home. Your blood pressure didnt seem that high to me considering you was nervous. The last time I have my blood pressure checked it was 140/87 and the doc said that was fine.
I get the skipped beats too - when I went to the dentist the other day my heart was skipping all over the place!!

Anyway, you really should go to the docs to get your prescription - its in your best interests and you doc will know that your anxious from what happened before so I'm pretty sure if your heart rate is a little fast or you have skipped beats then he wont be sending you off to the hospital again!!

What usually works for me is that when I go for a medical appointment I tell the doctor straight away that I am really nervous and I make a joke out of it - I say 'I bet my heart is beating faster then a steam train' or something along them lines and it usually lightens the mood and my doctor is more understanding then. Also it helps me to make light of my anxiety too.

Just keep in your mind that it is just a doctors appointment and you will soon be on your way home and think how proud you will be when its all over and done with and you get your Xanax!!

You will be ok - let me know how you get on!!

Vicki x

14-01-09, 01:22
Hey there, wow that sounds like a pretty traumatic experience, but well done for getting though it.

That aside, lets look at the positive, everything was clear and you were sent home with a clean bill of health, which is fantastic! Remind yourself of this fact when you are getting these horrible symptoms, you have had the fullest of full check ups and everything is in working order, it's just that darn pesky anxiety, nothing serious and it will pass.

Also have you tried speaking to people about this? I find it helps to talk to my (good) friends and mention that I am feeling this way - they understand my anxiety so are able to reassure me and have a joke about it all (laughter is the best medicine after all!)

Good luck anyway, and I hope this helped.


14-01-09, 15:08
Thank you everyone for your replies.

Swirledpeacat - Everybody that I meet knows that I have anxiety!! I laugh at myself and say that I have diarrhea of the mouth when it comes to my anxiety! But if I hold it all in, it just gets worse.

I'm just so disappointed because I was doing SO well before I went in for that last doctor's appointment when I was sent to the hospital. I had finally gotten rid of the palpitations/skipped beats - it had been 3 months since I had felt one. I enjoyed the summer, my daughter had started kindergarten and was doing well (and she loved it)!! Then she caught a terrible cold and ended up with pneumonia. I also got sick and went to the doctors for some antibiotics - so when I went in there I was already stressed out because my 4 year old had pneumonia!!

I'm just so worried that my GP is going to want to send me for further cardiac testing - he likes to over-test! If he's not sure about something, he sends you for a test. He's a really great doctor, but I am terrified by him!

I've decided that I'm going to wait a couple of months before I go in, mostly due to health insurance issues. I'm not in desperate need of the Xanax (I've only taken 3 pills in a year's time!!), so maybe letting some more time pass might help??? This incident feels like it's still fresh in my mind....