View Full Version : Having another attack!!

14-01-09, 01:11
Hi Guys,

I can't believe it I am having another attack, I haven't told anybody at home cause I don't want them to stay up with me.... It's not fair when they have to work in the morning.. So I thought somebody on this site could reassure me that everything is going to be ok....

Like I said last message I am no longer taking meds although I have just taken 2 beta blockers and citalopram, (don't know if thy work if you just take them every now and then... I have taken kalms and bach rescue and have a very strong cup of camomile and lavender tea....

I hate feeling like this, I think I am having one cause I had 2 cups of coffee today and some wine...... I hate that coffee and wine do this to me now, they never used to...

I have been thinking that I should join a gym or start running... has anybody found exercising helpful with preventing panic attacks???


Lou xxx:weep:

14-01-09, 01:14
I'm here.:hugs:

I found working out did alot of good. Before we moved I went to the gym 6 days a week 2 hours every day. Wow, I felt good.

Maybe get a dog? I know it sounds silly but honestly. My labs are great treatment when I need them. I know I can't always get up in the middle of the night because I hate being alone in the dark. But when I need them, they cuddle me and help me get my mind off things.

They are very sensitve and silly.

Anyways I am rambling, I am here if you need me, PM me.:hugs: :blush:

14-01-09, 01:23
Hi Duckie,

Thanks for being here...

Unfortunately I had to move back home with parents and they won't let me have a dog...

I think I am going to start working out tomorrow... I will be knackered though... Do your attacks always knock you about??? It normally takes me a whole day to recover after having one...


14-01-09, 01:25
My heart does a number on me. Try and take a bath. That helps alot!! I have a magic bag too, if you curl it around your neck you feel alot of stress and tension melt away.
Do you have any herbal tea on hand? Maybe make a pot of it?

Just some suggestions.

Yes they do scare me and yes I get scared I may have another one.

Working out did me wonders.

What about a cat? Doesn't have to be a kitten, you could adopt an already fixed and declawed cat? Would they let you?
Duckie xx:hugs:

14-01-09, 01:50
I have a cup of camomile and lavender tea with 3 tea bags in it at the moment....

Whats a magic bag? is it like a hot water bottle?

I have a cat. Stroking her does help me sometimes, but not always she has a habit of digging her claws in you when you stroke her.... it hurts like hell but it does take your mind off the stress....:roflmao:


14-01-09, 02:03
:hugs: Believe it or not I got it at a antique shop. I wanted one for a long time. I bought it. Its fabric with seeds or something inside. http://www.magicbag.com/

How are you feeling? Any better?

Hugs, I am thinking of you.

14-01-09, 02:09
I don't know what your attacks are like, but mine can last all night....

I just get this wave of sickness and light headedness and restlessness come over me which will be really bad for 5 minutes then will ware off but will come back...

I'm feeling a little better, just being on this site helps me, having something to read helps...

I just really want to go to sleep....

Have you ever taken meds?


14-01-09, 18:29
Yes they can last for a while.

Yes I have taken meds to calm me but they made my migraines worse!