View Full Version : please help

14-01-09, 04:51
ive just joined this site and hope that someone may be able to help me....im a 20 year old female who is suffering from depression and anxiety/panic attacks. this was caused due to my sister being killed in a fatal car accident in melton which claimed the lives of 6 young people on july 10th 2008. ive found this really hard to deal and it has resulted in me being depressed and suffering with panic attacks. my doctor has put me on 10mg of propranolol to take 3 times a day and 40mg of citalopram to take once a day but they do not seem to be having the desired effect. i havent had a panic atack for a couple of weeks now but the anxiey is still there and i cannot seem to shift it. i cant help thinking that something is seriously wrong with me. i have convinced myself that i have cancer,a blood clot,brain heammerage etc etc....just writing this is making me feel panicky....please any advice/help or just someone to offload on and talk to would be gratefully appreciated....please feel free to email me many thanks gina x

14-01-09, 10:34
hi gina...
youve done the right thing joining this site its helped me loads...im a 19 year old female suffering from panic attacks an anxiety..though mine came on from nowhere yours came on from a tramatic accident..i was on 80mg on propanolol and found it didnt help so my doc took me off them and put me on only 10mg of citralopram to take once a day and i take disapam when i need it..not as often now as the citralopram is starting to kick in..dont tryh and shift the anxiety..accept that its there and when you get the feeling of anxiety tell yourself it cant harm you and whatever side effects you get tell yourself "theyre ehre now not much i can do about it" i recommend books by claire weekes...i think its helped in my recovery ..each day is getting better..40mg of citralopram is quite a high dose where you put on this straight away..?? bit of advice..feel the fear and do it anyway..feel free to private mail me if you want to chat..
take care..

14-01-09, 10:45
Hi Geemoo, I have sent you an e-mail this morning.

14-01-09, 11:45
Hi Gina, I,m so sorry to hear about what you are going through, it is no wonder you feel the way you do under the circumstances, so the emotions you will be feeling are genuine and there is nothing wrong with you or your feelings, of course you want to feel better and you will day by day. I have been on and off anti depressants since my teens and I am in my thirties now,myself and many others don,t have obvious triggers for feeling that way,maybe things from our childhood or a chemical inbalance in our brains and it can be frustrating wondering why all the time, but you have no reason to wonder why Gina, some awful stuff that must be so difficult to cope with has happened and anyone would need support in your situation.

I have no experience of propranalol, but the citalopram takes a few weeks to kick in, I really hope that very soon you will feel better within yourself, one day at a time Gina and remember that you know how you feel better than anyone so give your doctor feedback on how things are going and make suggestions if you think it will help you.
My warmest hugs and best wishes, Stephen x

15-01-09, 12:25
Hi there

It sounds like you have been through an awful trauma. I am so sorry to hear this. I was going to ask how long you have been on the meds as they do take quite a time to kick in, sometimes up to 2 months and make you feel more anxious at first.

You are definately doing the right thing coming on here, well done!

15-01-09, 21:02
Hi i am so sorry to hear about your sister, it must be awful for you. I just thought i would let you know that i suffer with anxiety thinking i am going to die of a brain tumer or a hemorage etc, my meds have been increased to 160mg of propanalol and i am now taking 60mg of citalapram and i am starting to feel better, i still get bad days but I think you should go back and see you gp and maybe increase your propanalol, i hope you start to feel better soon