View Full Version : The worst experience ever... Help!

14-01-09, 04:55
I am feeling awful...
Tonight I started feeling this chest pain ... then pain on the right side of my arm....I got crazy... I started crying like crazy and then really anxious...
I woke up everybody in my house and my blood pressure went up....
dizziness... numb on my chest...
I thought I was going to die at any minute...
Then I threw up...
That is horrible... the worst experience ever......

14-01-09, 05:02
I'm so sorry your feeling so bad and i wish i had something encouraging to say but i can say i know how your feeling, i've been having chest pain for 2 days now and i'm scared its a heart attack but everyone thinks its anxiety:weep: Just wanted to give ya :hugs: If you wanna talk pm me. Take Care! Its probably anxiety

14-01-09, 06:20
Yes, it's awful. Terrible. The absolute worst. The WORST. But the only good thing about the worst is.... it can only get better. You feel about as bad as you can feel. But it will pass. IT WILL PASS. It will. I know. I've been in bad shape before. I'm not in great shape now, but it's been worse. And when it's at its worst I think it'll never get any better, that I'll never care about anything ever again... but it does and I do. And you will. Just ride it out. Do whatever you have to do. Scream at it. Sing. LOUDLY. Jump up and down. Cry. Fight it. It's a monster. Kick and scream and fight. You would fight a bear or a mountain lion or an intruder. Fight this. You are stronger than you think. There are only two ways to handle this feeling. Fight against it or try to calm down with breathing, distraction, music, etc. I usually choose to fight. You will not be beaten by this. You will win. You feel awful. But you won't feel that way forever. Trust in that. There will be better days.

14-01-09, 06:53
Oh that must have been awful for you and I know how you feel.

There is not one person that suffers from panic attacks that does not know how you felt. You must feel so drained right now after having such an attack but can I ask you to look at it when you feel calm again.

1/ You didnt die
2/ You wont die from a panic attack
3/ Our bodies are unique and know when to shut down the stress (sometimes not quick enough for me lol)

I agree with highwaymiles you will win but we know how hard it is, yet never give up and remember we are here for you


14-01-09, 07:01
You sound like you have had a really bad panic attack, which has resulted in you been sick.... Read throught the symptoms page of this site and this should put your mind at rest with what you have experienced
It is really difficult, but likke others have said with breathing etc, you will learn to manager the attacks and hopefully eventually they wont happen at all
Good luck