View Full Version : Agoraphobia

14-01-09, 11:36
Hi everyone

I have not been able to leave the house over the last two years. Occasianally i managed a few months of going to local areas with a save person on good days. Now i am really tring to get through this as i have to do four residential units to complete my degree through the opoen uni and to get back my life. It has been nearly 3 months since i started going out again and i have had some good sucsess. Facing up to the panic and forcing myself to go out has now enabled my to go to local areas with other people, go shopping even in big supermarkets (when they quite), use the lifts at the town shopping mall and even go on the 1 hour trip to pick up my grandma when she comes to stay. I still find these activities hard but also rewarding. However i am finding it so hard to move on to the next stage. The idea of getting fully better so i am able to do all the things i use to seems impossible. The next steps for me are joining the gym my dad goes to and spending small amounts of time out alone but still having someone i could contact and get me if i needed them to. I am absolutly terrified of the last one. Anyway i was wanting to hear from other people who have managed to overcome certain anxiety problems like agoraphobia if that makes sence. I guess i am feeling quite alone in battling this as my friends and family cannot quite understand why i am like this.
Many thanks all

Hope 2
15-01-09, 10:55
Hey Blackie

Big massive well done to you. How far you have come.

I think you are going about things just right, you continue to challenge yourself, with a goal of independance you can so achieve.

I am in a similar situation (ish), and by keep chipping away at those mental blocks, we will do this.

Good for you


15-01-09, 11:45
i'd like to say welldone for coming this far it seems like you only have a few more steps to take. you've been very brave so far so i think you should go ahead and push yourself in the final steps you have a goal you want to aim for so keep that in mind. i got over my agoraphobia in much the same way as you setting small goals and then building on them. you can PM me anytime. Good luck