View Full Version : It's back! Always the heart!

14-01-09, 11:49
Hi Everyone,

After feeling better and my missed beats not occuring as regular as they used to I feel like I have taken one step forward and five back. I don't feel like its a pain in my chest when it happens its more like a suffocation feeling and feeling as if I am struggling to breath but yet I can breath! It is so weird!

I went to see my doctor a while back when these ectopic beats occured, he checked my heart with his scope and pulse and blood pressure and said my heart sounded healthy and fine. Do I trust him??? He said they were ventricular ectopic beats! Do they come and go as they please. I keep saying to myself if it was heart disease they would be there all the time. Some one please help me!

Sorry if a bit mixed up this message but in a bit of a tizzy as I write this!


14-01-09, 18:33
HI Ben
Your symptoms sound similar to mine. I get ectopics and have had them for at least 16 years and Im still here lol. and like you I have had them checked out and they are "normal" If you had heart disease Im sure you would have other symptoms also. Its very difficult not to panic when you are having them which in turn makes them worse, They can be a bit random so I can see why your taking one step forward and 5 back. Try not to worry too much and accept them for what they are even though they drive you, me and everyone else mad when they happen. Try to trust your GP but if your not happy go back for reassurrance. I read somewhere on this site that your heart is having a sneeze or a hiccup and I found that by looking at it that way it didn't seem so daunting.
I hope that I have helped a little Ben Take care Matti x

14-01-09, 18:46
I have had 3 major heart surgeries. I get those beats too, and my caridologist tells me the same. That those beats haven't been there consistently and he should know because he has been my caridologist since I was born. So he knows my entire history of heart issues and this is nothing to be concerned about.

He tells me, stress and anixety. That is what is causing it.

Now who has more to worry, me or you.:winks: You with no previous heart issues or me that does have it and he still says it's nothing to worry about.

PM me any TIME if you need to. I know how scary it is. I get very upset and those beats can last for hours. It's awful.

:hugs: Thinking of you. xx