View Full Version : huge step tommorow!!

14-01-09, 15:29
hi all!

my partner has just told me i HAVE to be ready in the morning to do some shopping and go for a meal!

im agrophobic havent stepped over that front door for months, how on earth am i suppose to do it?

i think it will be the make or break of our relationship if i dont. i have NEVER been out with him any where, i wont even get in the car to go to one 'safe' place to another!

i cant do it but if i dont i will spend the rest of my life indoors like a muppet alone!

how can i make it stop for just one day, thats all i want one day i dont care if i have a milion bad if i can just experience that one day of freedom! help!! xx

14-01-09, 18:29
hi there
well i must say that i got a lump in my throat when i read your "statement just give 1 day of freedom"and i am sure if your partner loves you he will understand what your fear is.if its any consulation,my mum had agrophobia and it helped her greatly by going out in a friends car,just small distances at first but over time it helped her greatly and she got over it.just concentrate on little goals and the benefits wlll be great in time.i wish you luck x

eternally optimistic
14-01-09, 19:33

I agree with Tetley, have you been to the doc's to get some medication to help you, its not failing, it could really help.

Whatever, dont put loads of pressure on yourself to achieve one massive goal, do it step by step.

Your definitely not a muppet and your current situation doesnt mean that is what you destined to do for the rest of your life.

GOOD LUCK with whatever you do.

14-01-09, 20:11

Ok firstly, that is a little much for your partner to ask of you if you ain't been out in months. Being agpraphobic myself i know it's just not as simple as that.

Beating agoraphobia means SMALL steps regularly not one huge step all at once hun.

I think your partner needs to re-think his tactics and you should seek further help through your GP.


14-01-09, 21:17
Hi and:welcome: to NMP, pleased you found us. I'm sure you will like it here as there is so much advice, information and support.

chat is fun too and a great place to make new friends:biggrin:

15-01-09, 00:39
See the PM I sent in reply to yours. On this post: As others have said its a bit "in at the deep end" BUT if you can think positive or even "nothing at all" then you might just manage it. There are those who think phobia can be beaten in a single huge "deep end" challenge. I subscribe to the slow-progressive-steps theory myself but hey - the worst that can happen is you don't make it out the door. If your (new?) partner is challenging you so hard either they don't know about your problem, don't understand it at all, or maybe they just aren't the right person to cope with you. I know that sounds harsh but after your post of 13/01/09 I'd feel uncomfortable urging you further than a picnic in the back garden. Either you need to really share with them now or they haven't connected with what you shared before. If you think they might do better perhaps get them to read the thread from the 13th and see what other people have shared. You can show them my PM too if you want.

You and they need to understand more abou the Agora' - read this NoMorePanic Agoraphobia Info (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/NMPcms.php?nmppage=agoraphobia) or this AnxietyCare Agoraphobia Info (http://www.anxietycare.org.uk/docs/agoraphobia.asp). Both are clear, detailed and give advice on both coping and improvement.

Thinking of you however yo handle this.

15-01-09, 09:32
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

15-01-09, 17:07
Hello you:) How did today go with your challenge? xxx

15-01-09, 17:08
Thinking of you!! How are you today??:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Duckie xx