View Full Version : Went to see the mental health nurse...

14-01-09, 16:07

First post on here so hello!

Man, am I drained today. Had a job interview this morning (with the accompanying disturbed sleep last night, though it actually went pretty well) and then a diagnostic appointment with the mental health nurse this afternoon.

I've suffered anxiety on and off for about 4 years now although the past year has been particularly tough. They've had me on medication (Citalopram and Propanalol) to help me deal with it and overall I'd say it's helped me get out and achieve stuff. I managed to do a teaching qualification last year and that was a really good experience, helped my mental state and confidence no end.

Anyway, the past couple of months have been really rough. I've been out of work since I finished my PGCE and have struggled to get back into work since because I've been quite afraid that I won't be reliable enough to hold down a job. I'm also starting to get a little agrophobic, worrying about going into town becuase of all of the noise, people and associated hubub.

My anxiety stems from a nervous breakdown I had a few years ago through taking epic amounts of drugs and drink. I basically had a series of drug induced psychotic episodes (classic cannabis psychosis) and though I haven't been near anything stronger than alcohol in years I still have to deal with the fallout from it. I suppose the root of my anxiety is fear of going mad. Having experienced schizophrenic type symptoms I know from first hand experience how awful and scary it is!

Anyway, I went to see the mental health nurse today who told me that the best way to deal with it is simply to face my fears by getting out, doing stuff and realising that I'm not going to have a psychotic episode in the middle of the street! She said that CBT might well just feed into my anxiety and probably wouldn't be the best course of action which makes a lot of sense.

But yeah, reading this board has helped me a lot. Just knowing that there are loads of other people who are going through exactly the same problems as I am and got through them.

Still, I'm drained today from all of my mental exertions and feeling a little anxious/paranoid as a result.

Hope 2
15-01-09, 10:32
Hi Deejay

Glad you find here helpful.

I reckon you have done very well so far.

I can relate to some of your post. I can definitely say that the thing that 'got me back out there' was to make myself get back out there lol.

In other words, I agree with what you have been advised in that the thing that helped me the most, was forcing myself to do the thing that I feared the most. I got a job, first time in 7 years and although there have been ups and downs, it was SO the right thing to do.

Hope that makes sense.
Prove to yourself you can do this, cos you absolutely can.


15-01-09, 12:13
Hi Deejay

It sounds like you are on the path to recovery. I'd say don't write off CBT totally though - because what it does is challenge the negative thoughts ("I'll have a psychotic episode") and shows you how this is a distortion, helping you replace it with more positive thoughts. It also helps you get out there to do stuff.

Good luck!


15-01-09, 12:59
Hey guys,

Thanks for your comments. I think I'm over the worst of this particular down cycle but still feeling a bit ropey to be honest. Yesterday was pretty rough really. Job interview in the morning tired me out then went to see the mental health worker and had a long chat with her which stirred up a lot of stuff.

I also got a call today saying that I'd got the job that I interviewed for which is really good news. It don't start for a couple of weeks or at least until my CRB check clears so I've got time to prepare myself. Plus it's only part time.

Still, it would be nice if my headaches and general feelings of being off-balance would stop!

15-01-09, 13:36
Firstly welcome to no more panic secondly congratulations on getting the job. Well done for coming so far i hope the headaches etc will stop soon anytime you fancy a chat pm me take care and good luck with the new job xx :bighug1:

15-01-09, 13:51
Well done Deejay- what an achievement:flowers:

You have got time to prepare and rest after that exertion- you got the job and the studies paid off- so well done! I'm sure many people would feel the same or similar

congratulations and good luck


15-01-09, 18:01
Congrats on your job offer!!!! Part time may be a great idea actually - build up slowly and give yourself a bit of recovery time *thumbs up*