View Full Version : Convincing myself

14-01-09, 16:16
My main anxiety is down to my health my first attack was 3years ago and started with a pain in the left side of my chest. I spoke to mum and she said it was anxiety at the time i had know need to be anxious, it didn't happen again for a few weeks when it did i went to drs who diagnosed me with mild flu and get rest easier said than done. I got over the flu and it kept happening i went back to him and he said it's muscle pain and sent me home it wasn't till i had a panic attack in his office that he put me on meds i was on them for nine months before weanin myself off them. I didn't have a panic attack for 6months after stoppin the meds i believed i was finally free of them till my second son died, the hospital made me paranoid of DVT (had to have a c-section and cuz of my weight had to have blood thinning injections) so now when i get a pain in my leg i think i've got a blood clot.
I also had to have an ECG done after my baby died cuz they thought there may have been something wrong with my heart thus set off ma anxiety something chronic the ECG was normal and showed i had sinus arrhythmia nothing to worry bout but that don't stop me thinking i'm gonna die from a heart attack.
During routine bloods last year ma old dr called me into see her (lovely lady she was...not) she told me my cholesterol was high and she wanted to shock me into sorting out my health she hadn't read my notes about my baby dying or that i suffered with anxiety she had only read that my nan had died recently.
With all this i struggle to convice myself i'm not gonna die after an attack i can tell myself i'm perfectly healthy and i'm not gonna die but during an attack i can't and i don't know how to convince myself that.
Sorry for rambling on