View Full Version : right guys really duno what to think! (BP)

14-01-09, 16:45
hey all

went docs last night and they did my bp and it was 75/56! which is the lowest its ever been! they said it was to low.. which was why ive been do dizzy and breathless apprently! yer right! and if youve read any of my threads before you'd know ive been on med with bp sinse i was preg.
so anyhow theyve droped my med and well today ive done my bp and the first one was 120/86! i mean cmon it obviosuly still isnt right. then i did it again and it was 140/91! then it dropped again to 126/85 so i dont understand whats going on..
and im stil breathless and fee crap! and today ive had a few palpertations which i havnt had in a while.. so i really duno what to think or do for the best.. do you think its just trying to settle on a low dose again? or what? please someone carlm me down =[

just did it again 10 min after and it was 148/76 and then it jumped to 130/95! omg what is going on?
Jo x

14-01-09, 20:34
Hi Jobear,

Me again :). I do normally have very low blood pressure and am on no meds for it, my lowest has been 72/59 and they hooked me up to fluids via IV, they couldn't believe I had driven there to the doctor's office.

The one thing I do know is that normally if you take your blood pressure three times in a row you will get different readings. You then figure out between the three what your reading is (this is per my doctor). I would call my doctor and ask if this is normal since you have been on meds and it can't hurt to ask. Your meds may need to be tweaked again or like you said your body just may be adjusting to the new dosage. Also, take it very easy when you bend over and stand up because I get dizzy when I do this. Good luck and hope you feel better soon.

Take care,


14-01-09, 22:02
hey laura

thanx for replying, im seeing a doctor on friday who works with people and there blood preasure.. i just dunno weather to wait till then?
so do you think because i kept doing it one after the other then it kept going up and down? i was tempted to google it but then thought no, al see something i dont want to and make my self worse!
so how do you figure out which reading is right?

jo x

14-01-09, 23:07
hi i,m Ce
i am on meds for bp and when my anxiety levels go up it tends to aggrivate my bp,so for me its a vicious cicle! just lately my anxiety has not been too good so off to dr i go (as ya do) my bp was something lke 150-95 he also gave me anti-dep to start on,when i got home i was that worried about my bp,i checked it and it was a lot lower and then when i went again last week guess what?????yep up again but when i got home i checked it after hour and it was good reading,i have got HA but i have got to fight this one hard as i dont want to start questioning my dr.if i was you i would ring dr and ask advice but try hard not to focus on it. x